- BIMserver version 1.5.182 docker pull asti/bimserver:1.5.182
- BIMserver version 1.5.162 docker pull asti/bimserver:1.5.162
- BIMserver version 1.5.138 docker pull asti/bimserver:1.5.138
BIMserver 1.5.138
docker run -it -e JAVA_OPTS='-Xmx4g' --name bimserver -p 8080:8080 asti/bimserver:1.5.138
BIMserver 1.5.162
docker run -it -e JAVA_OPTS='-Xmx4g' -v <local folder path>:/usr/local/bimserver/home -p 8080:8080 --name bimserver asti/bimserver:1.5.162
BIMserver 1.5.182
docker run -it -e JAVA_OPTS='-Xmx4g' -v <local folder path>:/usr/local/bimserver/home -p 8080:8080 --name bimserver asti/bimserver:1.5.182
After the server is up and running go to http://localhost:8080
First time run - If you run into problems installing the BIMserver (version 1.5.138 or 1.5.162) plugins from internet, configure the server and install the plugins manually (using 1.5.162 or 1.5.138 - based on the version of bimserver) before finishing the setup process.
(If used with OpenMAINT - BIMserver 1.5.138) It's recommended to configure the mail server so you can activate the admin account otherwise you will have problems logging in from OpenMAINT/CMDBuild.
If you don't want to configure the mail server, request a reset password form bimviews (using username and password from the first setup page) so you can find the activation link from the logs located in /usr/local/bimserver/home/logs/bimserver.log
docker exec -it bimserver /bin/bash
then type command:
cat /usr/local/bimserver/home/logs/bimserver.log
you will find something like:
You or someone else has requested your password to be reset, please click the following link to choose a new password: http://localhost:8080/apps/bimviews/?page=ResetPassword&[email protected]&uoid=131074&validationtoken=54C3D15EDEAA5FAA9AEC13210BE5E7F5
Copy the activation link and reset/activate the admin user.
- Build image:
docker build -t asti/bimserver:1.5.182 .
- Run container:
Note: <local folder path> - path in you local machine
docker run -it -e JAVA_OPTS='-Xmx4g' -v <local folder path>:/usr/local/bimserver/home -p 8080:8080 --name bimserver <bimserver image name>
docker run -it --rm -e JAVA_OPTS='-Xmx4g' -v /home/bimserver_home:/usr/local/bimserver/home -p 8080:8080 --name bimserver asti/bimserver:1.5.182