The precise discrimination between mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and nuclear mitochondrial DNA segments (NUMTs) is critical for accurate data analysis, particularly in studies focused on mitochondrial diseases and phylogenetics. Correct classification is not only crucial for reliable variant calling since NUMTs can confound the detection and interpretation of mtDNA mutations, but it also opens new avenues for investigating the functional implications of NUMTs methylation within nuclear genomic contexts. As Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) enables direct methylation detection, offering the opportunity to classify these sequences based on the absence of CpG methylation in human mtDNA, we developed MitSorter, a bioinformatic stand-alone tool that distinguishes true mtDNA reads from NUMTs.
MitSorter is an easy-to-use customizable pipeline generated through the Snakemake management system to reproduce the analysis steps needed to discriminate mitochondrial reads from ONT raw data to pod5 format.
- Sharon Natasha Cox @sharonnatashacox
- Angelo Sante Varvara @asvarvara
Create a dedicated folder and download package source files via git clone.
$ mkdir MitSorter
$ cd MitSorter/
$ git clone
Gain access to the necessary tools by creating a Conda environment using the environment.yaml file.
Then, activate it.
$ conda create env --name snakemake --file=environment.yaml
$ conda activate snakemake
MitSorter exclusively accepts ONT raw data in pod5 format. If you have raw data in fast5 format you can easily convert in pod5 format with pod5 converter tool.
Please note that to be compliant with the workflow structure, it is mandatory to add your pod5 files in a specific folder at this path "/data/[sample_name]/pod5/".
Subsequently, edit config.yaml to add your sample name, which has to be the same as the one used in the previous path. Once updated, you are ready to start.
MitSorter is a standard Snakemake workflow, if you are not familiar with all commands you can have a look here.
Just launch Snakemake, only one Snakefile in the current folder will be found and the complete workflow will run automatically.
$ snakemake
Consider launching the whole workflow in dry-mode before to test if it works properly.
$ snakemake -n
This workflow generates the following files:
- BAM file which includes only non-methylated reads, in the sorted_reads folder
- BAM file which includes only methylated reads, in the sorted_reads folder
- General modified bases statistics regarding methylated BAM, in the results folder
- General modified bases statistics regarding not methylated BAM, in the results folder
MitSorter has been tested on an HPC Cluster platform and requires GPU usage, as the first step of the pipeline, basecalling with dorado is computationally intensive. We strongly recommend processing one sample at a time.
However, if the personal computing environment supports multiple GPUs, the workflow can be parallelized the workflow by simply specifying multiple samples in a list within the config.yaml file (e.g. samples : [HG002, HG003]).
Recommended requirements (one sample):
- GPUs = 1
- CPUs = 64
- Memory = 128GB
Tested on the recently released HG002 Genome In A Bottle sample and is downlodable via aws (s3://ont-open-data/giab_2025.01/flowcells/HG002). Feel free to tweak the settings following your specific needs.
You can specify the number of cores via the --cores flag to the snakemake command.
The workflow uses the latest available version of Dorado for the Conda environment (dorado-0.7.2, for basecalling, together with the most recent modified basecalling models (sup v5.0.0) to achieve optimal accuracy for following variant calling.
However, this configuration may introduce computational slowdowns. A significant speed-up in the basecalling step can be achieved by switching to the hac v4.3.0 models without leading differences in terms of discrimination between methulated and unmethylated reads. This modification can be implemented by adjusting the model specification in the second rule of the Snakefile.
Both pairs of models are provided in the repository and you can find them inside the data folder, as well as the hac v4.1.0 models that are required mandatorily in case of older 4kHz input data.