Pre-built image host on DockerHub asynchrony/docker-klondike
Docker container to run a Self Hosted version of Klondike. Klondike is a Nuget repository that can be used to host your own private Nuget repository.
By default, it will run statelessly, so rebooting will cause you to lose all of your packages. This image can be setup to allow direct backup to S3 bucket, or can be configured to mount the data directory as a volume for your own backup solution.
The web gui can be accessed from http://HOSTNAME:8080
This repository is setup to allow anonymous pushes and pulls. There is no security at all. Either use whitelisting to grant access or enable authentication. Klondike itself does support this, so if you require authentication I recommend forking this repo and activating those features.
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 \
--name klondike \
Container will run, but nothing will be retained between reboots.
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 \
-v /some/host/directory/:/klondike/data/ \
--name klondike \
This will start the container and mount the packages folder to a host location. You can backup in any way you like from there.
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 \
-v ~/.aws/credentials:/root/.aws/credentials \
In order to use the S3 Backup feature you will need AWS credentials on the host running the container, and you will need to mount them in to the container like the above example. If running on an EC2 instance, you will need to grant the instance permission to the correct bucket. If running on EC2, omit the mounted volume in the above example. The bucket name should not contain the s3:// prefix.