This projects achieves backup to a server from android and linux using rsync and git for version control Building from source requires go. If you want to avoid go you probably can easily rewrite it in bash if you have experience with it.
Make copies of *_template.* files without this suffix
I will run this as root to backup all users' files. If you want to run as normal user then change paths, systemd service, ...
- Extend /etc/ssh/config:
sudo nano /etc/ssh/config
//make address aliases accessible for everyone (e.g. root)Host server Hostname ...
- Build main.go
cd pc && go build -o backup && cd ..
chmod u+x pc/backup
//make it executable
- Move files
sudo mv pc/backup /usr/bin/
sudo cp pc/backup_translation.json /etc/
sudo cp pc/backup_exclude.txt /etc/
sudo cp pc/backup.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo cp pc/backup.timer /etc/systemd/system/
sudo ln --symbolic ~/.ssh/id_rsa /etc/backup_id_rsa
- Edit backup_translation.json to your needs:
sudo code /etc/backup_translation.json
- if target is empty then the absolute path will be recreated under the backup folder specified in main.go
- Edit backup_exclude.txt to your needs (see rsync manual):
sudo code /etc/backup_exclude.txt
- Edit backup.timer to your needs (see systemd timers):
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/backup.timer
- Enable service
sudo systemctl enable backup.timer
sudo systemctl start backup.timer
On phone
- Install fdroid
- Install termux
- termux
pkg upgrade
//get latest packagespkg install openssh
//ssh for phone for easier usage and for rsyncecho "ssh-rsa ..." >> .ssh/authorized_keys
//inside "" should be the public key (put it into Keep for example and copy to here)sed --in-place "s/PasswordAuthentication yes/PasswordAuthentication no/" $HOME/../usr/etc/ssh/sshd_config
//disable password login for better securitysshd
//start sshwhoami
//remember this username for ssh config
- Install fdroid
On linux
Extend ~/.ssh/config if it isn't already:
nano ~/.ssh/config
Host phone User ... Hostname ... Port 8022
Make phone ready:
ssh phone
//request permission to access internal storage so we can back it up -
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
//create public and private key for phone to be able to connect to server -
pkg install rsync
//install rsync -
pkg install termux-services
//enables termux to not get killed in the background -
pkg install cronie
//regularly run our script with crontab -
Extend ~/.ssh/config:
nano ~/.ssh/config
Host server Hostname ...
Move files to and from phone
rsync --mkpath android/ phone:backup/
rsync --mkpath android/backup_exclude.txt phone:backup/
rsync --mkpath android/backup_cronjob.txt phone:backup/
rsync phone:.ssh/ /tmp/
rsync /tmp/ backup@server:./
//the alias backup@server should correspond to a separate account for this on the backup server
Make server ready:
ssh backup@server
cat >> .ssh/known_hosts
//add copied public key to known hostsrm
//we don't need it anymoreexit
Start syncing :
ssh phone
nano backup/backup_cronjob.txt
//modify according to your needs (currently every minute the sync will run if the previous sync is finished)nano backup/backup_exclude.txt
//modify according to your needs (check rsync manual)sv-enable crond
//make crontab autostartcrontab backup/backup_cronjob.txt
//register our crontab configexit
- Replace bash on android if more directories have to be synced