A docker image for running serverless commands.
This can be useful for building and deploying serverless stacks from CI environments.
file contains the serverless release to be built.
$ docker pull stangirard/serverless
$ docker run --rm stangirard/serverless serverless --version
Included packages from base image:
- aws-cli.
- Python 3.7.9
- NodeJS 12.x
docker run -it --rm --entrypoint="./startup.sh" stangirard/serverless
Python 3.7.9
aws-cli/2.1.4 Python/3.7.3 Linux/5.4.39-linuxkit exe/x86_64.debian.10
node v12.20.0
yarn 1.22.5
serverless Framework Core: 2.12.0
Plugin: 4.1.2
SDK: 2.3.2
Components: 3.4.2
Source Github