A simple implementation of the classic arcade game Asteroids on the ESP32 using a laser and mirrors.
Although the code is based around driving a laser, you can use if with a normal display if you have one.
You can watch a video on how it all works here
You can find more details on the schematics and how the laser galvos work in this video - https://youtu.be/bl1e54QGJk4.
The project is built using PlatformIO and uses the Esspressif IDF. I've been testing on a WROVER module, but it should work on a WROOM as well - though there may be some issues with running out of memory.
The code is still under development. There are some bugs and issues to be found.
Make sure when you clone the repository you use the ---recursive
git clone --recursive [email protected]:atomic14/esp-asteroids.git