Putting together these Arduino libraries:
- EtherCard. See article here [1]
- A OSC receiver library (maybe this one)
- ledstrip (i.e. Adafruit_WS2801)
to create a ledstrip controlled from the local.net (or the Internet), to drive different light patterns, associating them with generic events (e.g. new email received, hard-disk's full, home power consumption too high, etc.)
, among the examples, already contains
a (working) implementation of UDP packets readers.
Once _include_d the OSCMessage.h
it should
be easy parsing the data part (?) of the received
UDP packet.
- [1] remember to set pin 10 in ether.begin
Check Brianza's code:
Check OSC spec here
The next example shows the 40 bytes in the representation of the OSC Message with OSC Address Pattern "/foo" and 5 arguments:
- The int32 1000
- The int32 -1
- The string "hello"
- The float32 1.234
- The float32 5.678
2f (/) 66 (f) 6f (o) 6f (o)
0 () 0 () 0 () 0 ()
2c (,) 69 (i) 69 (i) 73 (s)
66 (f) 66 (f) 0 () 0 ()
0 () 0 () 3 () e8 (è)
ff (ÿ) ff (ÿ) ff (ÿ) ff (ÿ)
68 (h) 65 (e) 6c (l) 6c (l)
6f (o) 0 () 0 () 0 ()
3f (?) 9d () f3 (ó) b6 (¶)
40 (@) b5 (µ) b2 (”) 2d (-)