EOS History API for Elasticsearch cluster on GO.
During the benchmark testing, real query traffic was redirected to this application.
The application works consistently at > 2000 simultaneous connections.
$ cd $GOPATH/src
$ git clone https://github.com/atticlab/eos-es-historyapi.git
$ cd eos-es-historyapi/
In the project directory create file config.json.
"port" property is for the port on which the server will listen.
"elastic_url" property is for the url of elasticsearch cluster.
"seed_node" property is for the url of the node with chain_api_plugin enabled.
For example:
"port": 9000,
"elastic_url": "",
"seed_node": "http://seed.node.ip"
The "seed_node" parameter is needed by the application to connect to the node and receive transactions.trx that are not in the Elasticsearch data.
In project directory create file .env
Change path to GO directory to your path
For example:
$make build-app
$make start
$make stop
$make build-docker
$make create-compose
$make docker-start
$make docker-stop
This API supports following GET and POST requests:
Requires json body with the following properties:
account_name - name of the eos account. This field is required.
pos - position in a list of account actions sorted by global_sequence (e.g. in chronological order). This field is not required.
offset - number of actions to return. This field is not required.
Example of request body:
"account_name": "eosio",
"pos": 0,
"offset": 10
Returns json with the following properties:
actions - array of actions of a given account
Requires json body with the following properties:
id - id of a transaction.
Example of request body:
"id": "e6c814f9ba58e2aedd654abfdefc99c98f3e4bf5f20e4820b7d212f38f1f6f13"
Returns json with the following properties:
id - id of a transaction.
trx - transaction.
block_time - timestamp of the block which contains the requested transaction.
block_num - number of the block which contains the requested transaction.
traces - traces of the transaction.
Requires json body with the following properties:
public_key - public key of account
Example of request body:
"public_key": "EOS81Z5dYnSnfzdNFViMcGQoYUqrgZSdKJ69mvsnp2CLH2ufqX8Y9"
Returns json with the following properties:
account_names - array of accounts that have a requested key
Requires json body with the following properties:
controlling_account - name of the eos account
Example of request body:
"controlling_account": "eosio"
Returns json with the following properties:
controlled_accounts - array of accounts controlled by a requested account