These are my dotfiles for BSPWM on linux.
To install them on Archlinux use this command (assuming you have yay installed):
yay -Sy qt5ct qt6ct lightly-qt tela-icon-theme-git catppuccin-cursors-mocha catppuccin-gtk-theme-mocha nwg-look picom qutebrowser network-manager-applet pavucontrol pamixer dunst micro neovim btop
yay -S stow git --needed
cd folder_you_want # (e.g. ~/Documents)
git clone
cd dotfiles
stow -vt /home/username/.config .config # symlinks config files
stow -vt /home/username/.local .local # symlinks scripts I use (.local/bin)
You're all set! Talk to me if you have any issues or want help with Linux.