An online platform where users can share their emotions anonymously. Similar to NGL, I go a step further by allowing users to attach a maximum of three YouTube videos along with their messages to easily express their feelings. Moreover, I offer an option to share these YouTube videos publicly, visible only to authenticated users.
- Authentication / Authorization
- Feed (to entertain users)
- Profile with functions (update avatar, delete account, share link, download QR code)
- Sending anonymous messages optionally attach with maximum three handpicked YouTube links
- Real-time incoming messages
- Able to take images of incoming messages along with your replies
- Message decryption
- TypeScript
- Nest.js (for API)
- Next.js
- React Query
- Ably
- axios
- next-auth
- html-to-image
- qrcode
- crypto
- react-toastify
- @formkit/auto-animate
- Tailwind CSS
- others