Achlys aims to model macroscopic tritium transport processes through fusion materials using the MOOSE Finite Element Framework.
Benchmarking of Achlys is currently being carried out against published computational and experimental results.
Full documentation for Achlys can be found here. This provides:
Achlys is licensed under LGPL v2.1, see here.
If using an existing moose installation and conda environment no additional dependencies are required and the project can simply be pulled and built.
git clone
cd achlys
make -j4
Alternatively Docker can be used. Note, however, that the base moose-ubuntu image will be about 12GB in size.
git clone
cd achlys
docker build -t achlys-ubuntu --build-arg compile_cores=4 --build-arg build_git_sha=master docker/achlys-ubuntu/
docker run -it achlys-ubuntu /bin/bash
./achlys-opt -i problems/thermal_desorption/ogorodnikova/tds_multiapp/desorp_multi.i