A .NET global tool/s that can push key-value data to another location.
Iterates files in the given path, building a dictionary where keys are file names (without extensions) and values are the file's contents.
Note: You can optionally instruct JSON files be recursed for KVs themselves. They should contain an object of string properties and each will be added to the dictionary being built.
Finally, the dictionary is pushed to its final destination depending on what implementation you use.
> dotnet tool install AutoGuru.KeyValuePush.Redis -g
> kv-push-redis [options] <Path> <RedisConfiguration>
Path The path to source data from.
RedisConfiguration The redis configuration to connect to a redis instance with.
-d|--db The redis db to use (if any).
-sp|--search-pattern The search string to match against the names of files in path. This parameter can
contain a combination of valid literal path and wildcard (* and ?) characters, but it
doesn't support regular expressions. The default is: "*"
-so|--search-option One of the enumeration values that specifies whether the search operation should
include all subdirectories or only the current directory. The default is:
-rj|--recurse-into-json-files Whether to recurse into json files. If true, json files are considered to have
key-value pairs in them too (e.g. a top-level object with a single level of kvps) and
these will be crawled, extracted and pushed individually. The default is: false.
-?|-h|--help Show help information.