refactor(lane_change): replace any code that can use transient data #8999
CodeScene Delta Analysis / CodeScene Cloud Delta Analysis (main)
Oct 4, 2024 in 39s
CodeScene PR Check
✅ Code Health Quality Gates: OK
Change in average Code Health of affected files: +0.12 (5.73 -> 5.85)
- Improving Code Health: 3 findings(s) ✅
- Affected Hotspots: 1 files(s) 🔥
✅ Improving Code Health:
- Lines of Code in a Single File scene.cpp 🔥
- Overall Code Complexity scene.cpp 🔥
- Complex Method scene.cpp: NormalLaneChange::isVehicleStuck 🔥
codescene-delta-analysis / CodeScene Cloud Delta Analysis (main)
✅ Getting better: Lines of Code in a Single File
The lines of code decreases from 1821 to 1741, improve code health by reducing it to 1000. The number of Lines of Code in a single file. More Lines of Code lowers the code health.
codescene-delta-analysis / CodeScene Cloud Delta Analysis (main)
✅ No longer an issue: Complex Method
NormalLaneChange::isVehicleStuck is no longer above the threshold for cyclomatic complexity. This function has many conditional statements (e.g. if, for, while), leading to lower code health. Avoid adding more conditionals and code to it without refactoring.
codescene-delta-analysis / CodeScene Cloud Delta Analysis (main)
✅ Getting better: Overall Code Complexity
The mean cyclomatic complexity decreases from 5.00 to 4.95, threshold = 4. This file has many conditional statements (e.g. if, for, while) across its implementation, leading to lower code health. Avoid adding more conditionals.