Here is a repository of pre-built modules for the script template. Add the required PS1 file to the "Modules" folder of your projects copy of the "New-ScriptTemplate"
More details are available here: Blog Post Connect-AD allows you to well connect to AD Add 'connect-ad' to your script in the "Main Script Block" of the template. The script will check if the module is loaded and import the ActiveDirectory module if not
Note: RSAT needs to be installed and configured, this module will abort the script if not installed
More details are available here: Blog Post Common AD manipulating tools
Note: If this module is used "Connect-AD" should also be included in this project
Get-NestedGroupmember Returns all members including members of nested AD groups
More details are available here: Blog Post Contains a suite of functions for connecting to office 365 powershell services
Connect to individual services:
write-host "Do Some Skype For Business stuff"
write-host "Do Some Exchange stuff"
write-host "Do Some Stuff with Security & Compliance"
or connect to all of them
write-host "Do Some Stuff with Exchange, Skype and Security & Compliance"
Note: The Skype for Business/Lync module seems to only work if run as administrator, The user context is checked and the script will abort if its not got admin rights
A simple HTML report generator More details are available here: Blog Post
Include the class somewhere in your project, either as code or as a dot-sourced module
#create some content
$proc = Get-Process | Sort-Object CPU -desc | Select-Object CPU, ProcessName, ID -first 10
$files = Get-ChildItem | select mode,LastWriteTime,Length,Name
$TextBlock = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque et nisl laoreet, malesuada urna a, semper risus."
#create a new HTMLReportObject
$MyReport = New-Object HtmlReport
#Give the new report a output location, logo image and a title
$MyReport.Outputpath = ".\report.html"
$MyReport.LogoPath = ".\logo.png"
$MyReport.Title = "My Report"
#Add a text block (title, contents, width of block[%], colour [blue/red/green/yellow])
$MyReport.addTextBlock("Free Text Block", $TextBlock, "30%" ,"red")
#Add a table
$MyReport.addTableBlock("Files", $files,"30%","blue")
#Add an image
$MyReport.addImageBlock("Image", ".\graph.png", "20%" , "yellow")