DIY Air Quality Monitor
- ESP8266: nodemcu-devkit with nodemcu-firmware (custom 1.4.0 20151006, integer).
- Send met and PM data to ThingSpeak.
- BMP085/BMP180: pressure and temperature
- AM2320/AM2321: relative humidity and temperature
- BME280: pressure, relative humidity and temperature (alternative)
- PMS3003: PM1, PM2.5 and PM10
- Meteogram: use Highcharts to display met data from channel.
- PMgram: use Highcharts to display PM concentrations from channel.
Changes since v1.0.0-rc2
- Update nodemcu-firmware from 0.9.6 20150704 (custom) 1.4.0 20151006 version.
- bmp180.lua: bug fix on reading temperature which affected pressure compensation.
- bme280.lua: tested module for BME280 sensor .
- am2331.lua: support other sensors on the AM2331 family.
- pms3003.lua: support other sensors on the PMS3003 family.
- update documentation.