This repository is to convert all MariaDB tables in a specified database to Aria from Myisam
This python script is based on automating the SQL scripts located in sql_scripts. The obvious desire to automate this process was the motivation for the project
Lastly, the reason for doing this at all, is to convert tables in a MariaDB database to Aria and update all CHAR fields to VARCHAR. For changing the field data type, we needed to do this because as of version MariaDB: 10.6.9 there was a bug we were experiencing when changing the table type.
When making the .env
file, make sure it has the below format.
user = USER_NAME
password = PASSWORD
database = 'information_schema'
database_to_alter = DATABASE_TO_ALTER
From the root directory run the below in your command line, and then in the created file copy the above and fill in the neccessary data:
echo BLANK_ENVIORNMENT > python_scripts/.env22
- Python: 3.9.12
- MariaDB: 10.6.9
Replace ENV_NAME
with the name you want for your enviornment and then run the below.
conda create -n ENV_NAME python=3.9
conda activate ENV_NAME
conda install -n ENV_NAME --file requirements.txt