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avinashkrishna07 committed Feb 26, 2024
0 parents commit 386ce54
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Showing 24 changed files with 4,143 additions and 0 deletions.
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions .github/workflows/deploy.yml
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name: Deploy on GH Pages

- main

name: Publish site
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout main
uses: actions/checkout@v3

- name: Setup pnpm
uses: pnpm/action-setup@v2
version: 7

- name: Setup NodeJS
uses: actions/setup-node@v3
node-version: 16
cache: pnpm

- name: Install Dependencies
run: pnpm install --frozen-lockfile

- name: Build
run: pnpm run content:build

- name: Deploy
uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
publish_dir: dist

7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .npmrc
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395 changes: 395 additions & 0 deletions LICENSE

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

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# My website

### (Home | Blog | Notes | Projects | Reflect Back)

Hello, Thanks for passing by! This is source repository for my personal website.

You can find more about me or gain my knowledge in a concise manner here!

#### Development/Deployment

This website is powered by [Vitepress](, a static-site generator (SSG) with Vue3.

In order to start the live server or build the website (output goes to `dist`):

## Live server
yarn run content:dev

## Build
yarn run content:build


Two licenses apply.

All the content under content and project root is licensed under [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International]( also known by SPDX identifier CC-BY-4.0. That is, you're free to share & adapt all the content, as long as you give attrubution & not impose any additional restriction from anything the license permits.

The theme code is referenced from [Animeshz/site](, under src/theme and is licensed under permissive [MIT License](, you're free to use it as much as the license permits.

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title: Home
description: I write about wide-variety of untouched topics in a simplified way.
sidebar: false
aside: false
patreon: false
created: 2024-02-26 12:01 PM

# 👋 Hi, I'm Avinash Krishna

<p style="font-size: 18px;">
I write about wide-variety of untouched topics in a simplified way.


* Curated Data is Information.
* Curated Information is Knowledge.
* Curated Knowledge is Wisdom.

*Data is exploding in this Information Age.* Let's together curate all the useful knowledge, instead of keep archiving the data forever.

<Quote author="Rework (Book)">

You don't make a great museum by putting all the art in the world into a single room. That's a warehouse. What makes a great museum great is the stuffs that's <i>not</i> on the walls. Someone says no. A curator is involved, making conscious decisions about what should stay and what should go. The best is a sub-sub-subset of all the possibilities.


## This Site

Most of my [📝 Blogs](/blogs/ are based on How Computer Works & otherwise Useful Tools/Tips. You can also subscribe to the RSS Feeds ([atom.xml](/atom.xml) or [rss.xml](/rss.xml)) for getting regular updates on blog.

I maintain a series of well-organized [📔 Notes](/notes/

I have my [🚀 Projects](/projects/ listed over here, and I do a monthly [✍🏻 Journal](/journal/
246 changes: 246 additions & 0 deletions content/journal/
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<h1 align=center>Informative Guides</h1>
<p>This section comprises blogs that offer valuable and practical information, including guides for system bug fixing, installation procedures, fundamental Linux commands, and various other topics.</p>

### Fix Desktop Global Scaling

# How to fix global scaling on KDE desktop environment?
# I'm on laptop with 14th inch screen, fonts size and other stuffs are too small.

Step 1:
Go to settings:
Display and Monitor -> Display Configuration -> Set Global scale to 175%(Recommended)
Step 2:
Go to settings:
Startup and Shutdown -> Login Screen(SDDM) -> Apply Plasma Settings


### Pacman Cheatsheet

About: Pacman is the package manager for Arch Linux and its derivatives.

Common commands:
sudo pacman -Syu : Upgrade everything
sudo pacman -Syu <pkg> : Install packages and update package list
sudo pacman -S <pkg> : Install packages only
sudo pacman -Rsc <pkg> : Uninstall packages
sudo pacman -Ss <keywords> : Search packages for keywords
sudo pacman -Rns $(pacman -Qdtq) : Uninstall unneeded packages
sudo pacman -Qs <query> : Search installed packages for keywords
### Ventoy Installation
#This method will work only on arch based distro.

Step 1:
Install ventoy package: Run command "sudo pacman -S ventoy-bin" on terminal.

Step 2:
#Plug-in desired USB flash drive and
#locate device name of USB flash drive using the following commands:
=> lsblk -f
=> sudo mount /dev/sdx where x maybe any drive letters.
NOTE: In these instructions the USB flash drive device name is assumed to be "/dev/sdc".

Step 3: Install ventoy to USB using following commands:-
=> ventoy -i /dev/sdc

#Installation completed.

### System Re-installation Guides

Setup steps to recover system configuration:

Step 1: Run setup script for installing neccessary packages or softwares.
Step 2: Do setup your system configuration with konsave.
Step 3: Overwrite .config files in .config folder(press Ctrl+H in home directory).
#NOTE: Don't delete .config folder, overwrite it.
Step 4: Delete uneccessary packages on system and install neccessary packages as per your need.
Step 5: Check for any errors or issues and do fix.

Setup your code editors(IDEs):

VS Code: Login with GitHub or Microsoft.
It will automatically recover your configuration if synced earlier.

Setup your browser:

Brave: Do setup your browser by sync code or just overwrite the browser config in .config folder.
### Delete Linux from Windows
# This step is done after deleting the linux partion on disk management in Windows.
# This step will prevent booting in grub rescue or Windows recovery mode after deleting linux partition.

Open command prompt as an administrator:
Now run the commands in sequence:
=> diskpart
=> list disk
=> select disk 0
=> list partition
=> select partion 1 (NOTE:- here partion 1 contains system, numbers may vary.)
=> assign letter=x (you can assign any alphabet letter.)
=> exit
=> x:
=> dir
=> cd efi
=> dir
=> rd ubuntu /s (NOTE:- there can be name of any distro in place of ubuntu.)
=> y
=> dir
=> exit

# Once this step is done don't forget to unassign drive letter x from disk part.

Again open the command prompt as an administrator:
Now run the commands in sequence:
=> diskpart
=> list volume
=> select volume 1 (NOTE:- here volume 1 has assigned letter 'x' it may be different in your case.)
=> remove letter x
=> exit

# If you are facing any difficulties just search the web and check YouTube videos related to this.

### Some Common Issues and Solutions

Query1: I'm unable to increase the volume using volume keys in KDE plasma.
It's showing no input or output devices found.

Solution: Try updating the kernal to the latest and
run command 'sudo pacman -S pipewire pipewire-alsa pipewire-jack pipewire-pulse'.
This solution also works in the case when bluetooth devices are not getting paired.

Query2: How to permanently alias a command in fish shell?
e.g. alias pacu=' sudo pacman -Syu' this works but after reopening the terminal this command doesn't works.

Solution: You have to put it into the '' file.

Query3: I'm unable to update system after fresh installation of arch based distro.

Solution: Run command 'sudo pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring' and then update the system easily.

Query4: I'm unable to boot into BIOS using function keys.

Solution: Run command 'sudo systemctl reboot --firmware' on terminal.

Query5: How to remove Windows entries from GRUB after removing Windows. PS: I'm currently using only linux.

Solution: On terminal run command 'sudo rm -r/boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft'.
Then update grub using command 'sudo update-grub'.
If you are using arch based distro then use 'sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg'.

Query6: How to auto mount a external hard disk drive or any drives without root password ?

Solution: => run command sudo blkid and then copy the UUID of your drive from there.
=> then run command sudo nvim /etc/fstab then paste the UUID in format 'UUID=875925fjald'.
=> then press tab and write the path of mount point.
=> again press tab and write the filesystem name eg. 'ext4' or 'ntfs'.
=> again press tab and write 'defaults' again press tab write '0' then tab then '0'.
=> save and exit and run 'sudo mount -a' , now reboot your system.

Query7: How to disable kde wallet popping out after password change in kde ?

Solution: paste 'Enabled=false' in '~/.config/kwalletrc' file. To disable frequent asking of wifi password by kde
daemon, go to Settings -> Network -> Connection -> Wifi Security then set store password for all users
(not encrypted).
### Image Reference for Query6 and Query7
### Some Basic Linux Commands
sudo su : For changing normal user mode to root user i.e superuser.
whoami : Displays username.

ls : This command will list files of present working directory.
Use flag -a for listing hidden files, -l for seeing permissions and -R for listing items inside the directory
of directory. ie. ls -alR.

cd /directory: For changing directory.
cd .. : For moving to previous directory.
cd ~ : For changing directory to home directory.
cd / : For changing into root.

clear, history, exit : For clearing, listing previously used commands and closing the teminal.

touch "filename.extension" : For creating a file in working directory.

mkdir "directory\name" : For creating an empty directory in working directory.

rmdir "directory\name" : For deleting an empty directory.
rm -r "directory\name" or "filename.extension" : For deleting non-empty directory or files.
# NOTE: Use rm -rf "directory\name" for deleting non empty directory. -f flag is used for force delete.

chmod "xyz" "filename" : For changing permissions of a file or directory.
ie. chmod 777 filename.extension or chmod u+x directory\name.

htop or btop : For system monitoring.
neofetch : For fetching system information.
# NOTE: Make sure that neofetch is installed on your system.
vimtutor : For learning how to use vim editor.

du -hs /fullDirectoryPath/ : For fetching size of a directory.
Use du --help for more information.
# NOTE: Very useful when piped with pwd command. eg. pwd | du -hs .

fdisk -l : For disk partition list.
Use fdisk --help for more information.
lsblk -f : For disk partion and filesystem related information.
Use lsblk --help for more information.

cat "filename" or less "filename" : For displaying file content on terminal.
cat "filename1" > "filename2" : For overwriting content of "filename1" to "filename2".
# NOTE: this action will delete the earlier content of filename2.
cat "filename1">>"filename2" : For overriding content of "filename1" to "filename2".
tac "filename1" > "filename2" and tac "filename1" >> "filename2" : For flipping one file into another.
# NOTE: Very useful if you want to save your commands from history.
cat $SHELL : Gives path of the SHELL.

command >> filename.txt : For storing output of a command into 'filename.txt' file.
mv "old_filename" "new_filename" : For renaming a file or directory.
Use flags -i -v for more information.
cp "old_filename" "new_filename" : For copying contents of "old_filename" to new new file named "new_filename".

alias "shortCommand" = "longCommand" : For making custom commands.
command1 | command2 : Will take output of command1 as input of command2.
ie. ls | wc -l (This type of operation is known as piping.)
wc : For counting no. of words, lines, character and etc in a file.
Use different flags ie. wc -l, wc -c, etc for more information check wc --help
# NOTE: Very useful when used with piping. eg. cat gitCommands.txt | grep git | wc .

whereis "package\name" : This command locates the source, binary, and manuals sections for specified package.
package --version : Displays version of the package.
### Image Reference for Chroot.

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