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List of Reports-

1. Count of all ANC/Non-ANC

2. List of all registered Benificiaries

3. Relative Screening Report

4. New Enrolment(screened) Vs Diseased

5. Report for Users

6. Sample Status (Pending Sample)

7. Uncoded Villages

1. Count of all ANC/Non-ANC:

Title of the Report on Metabase: Count all ANC/Non-ANC

Purpose of the Report: This report is for a user to look for the program on the field at a glance.

Criteria / Logic for data:

This report shows a summary of genotype in the area in ANC and Non-ANC cases.

Columns (along with logic for columns except the basic ones):

Total Samples Collected (Screened) +ve in Solubility -ve in Solubility AA AS SS Beta thal Other
ANC Total ANC cases found solubility +ve in the area Total ANC cases found solubility -ve in the area Total ANC cases found with AA genotype in the area Total ANC cases found with AS genotype in the area Total ANC cases found with SS genotype in the area Total ANC cases found with Beta Thal genotype in the area Total ANC cases found with Other genotype in the area
Non-ANC Total Non-ANC cases found solubility +ve in the area Total Non-ANC cases found solubility -ve in the area Total Non-ANC cases found with AA genotype in the area Total Non-ANC cases found with AS genotype in the area Total Non-ANC cases found with SS genotype in the area Total Non-ANC cases found with Beta Thal genotype in the area Total Non-ANC cases found with Other genotype in the area

Filter: The filter can be applied on the dates i.e. the user can select the start and end date may be a week or a month and based on that date user will see the numbers/data.

2. List of all registered Beneficiaries:

Title of the report in Metabase: Line list of all Registered Beneficiaries

Purpose of the Report: To get all the beneficiaries in one report

Criteria / Logic for data: In this report all the individuals in the system will be there in the list. This will have all the exited and non-enrolled individuals also.

Columns (along with logic for columns except the basic ones):

Columns Description
Name Name of the beneficiary register in the system
Caste Caste of the beneficiary
Husband/Father Name Husband or Father name of Beneficiary
DOB Date of birth of beneficiary
Age Age of the beneficiary
Gender Gender of Beneficiary
Block Block or Tehsil of the beneficiary
Village Village of the beneficiary
Address Complete address of the beneficiary
Aadhar Number Aadhar Number of beneficiary
Enrolment Number Enrolment Number of beneficiary that has been assigned to her/him at the time of enrolment
Registration Date Date when the person got registered in the system (sickle cell app)
Enrolment Date Date when the person got enrolled in the sickle cell program in the sickle cell app
Phone Number A contact number related to beneficiary
HB Haemoglobin of the beneficiary
HB Range HB range of the beneficiary
Blood Group Blood group of beneficiary
Haemoglobin Genotype Hemoglobin Genotype of the beneficiary
ANC/Non-ANC(Possible values: ‘ANC’, ‘NON-ANC’) Write ANC or Non-ANC based on whether the beneficiary is currently pregnant or not.
Individual Id Numeric Id that is assigned by system
Exited The status of an individual in the program whether exited or not form the program.

Filter: These are the following filters that user can use to see the specific data:

Village, Block, Name, Enrollment Number.

3. Relative Screening Report:

Title of the Report in Metabase: Relative Screening Report

Context / Purpose of the report: The user wants to see the list of all relatives of the women who have got trait (AS) or sickle cell disease (SS/Beta Thal/Other)

Criteria / Logic for data: Show all the registered relative for the ANC who detected as sickle cell positive.

Columns (along with logic for columns except the basic ones):

Columns Description
Name Name of Pregnant Woman
DOB DOB of Pregnant Woman
Gender Female by default
Husband/Father Name Name of Husband or Father of Pregnant Woman
Block Block/Taluka of Pregnant Woman
Village Village of Pregnant Woman
Address Complete address of Pregnant Woman
Registration Date Date when pregnant woman got registered in the system
Phone Number Contact number of Pregnant woman
Genotype of PW HB genotype of Pregnant woman (Options - AS,SS,Beta Thal or Other)
Relative Name Name of relative registered of the pregnant woman in the system
Relation Relation between Pregnant woman and the relative
Relative Block Block/Taluka of Relative
Relative Village Village of Relative
Relative Phone Number Contact number of Relative
Relative Reg Date Date when relative got registered in the system
Screened Yes if enrolment done, No if enrolment not done

Filters: Genotype of PW, Block, Village(of Women), Genotype of Relative

4. New Enrolment(screened) Vs Diseased

Title of the Report in Metabase: New Enrolment(Screened) Vs Diseased

Context / Purpose of the report: The client needs the report of new screened cases each month and each week and out of these how many are the sickle cell positive. In this we are showing all the enrolled (exited as well) cases.

Criteria / Logic for data: Definition of Positive* – Trait and Sickle cell disease (AS, SS, Beta Thal and Other by HPLC test) Definition of No of new Screenings – All enrolled people

Columns (along with logic for columns except the basic ones):

Columns Description
Block Name of Block
Village Name of Village
No of new Screenings Number of beneficiaries got screened (enrolled) under the sickle cell screening program.
Positive Cases Number of cases that are got positive* in that area (village).
ANC Screened Nunber of ANC among all the screened cases
Non-ANC Screened Number of Non-ANC cases among all the screened cases.

5. Report for Users

Title of the Report in Metabase: Report for Users

Context / Purpose of the report:

Criteria / Logic for data:

Columns (along with logic for columns except the basic ones):

Columns Description
ANM Name Name of user
Total Sample (Individual) Total Sample collected by user
ANC Total ANCs out among the samples collected.
ANC +ve Number of positive cases among all the ANCs
Non ANC Total Non-ANCs out among the samples collected.
Non ANC +ve Number of positive cases among all the Non-ANCs
Due ANC(Registered but not screened) Number of ANCs that are registered in the system but not enrolled in the sickle cell screeening program
AS Number of total cases with AS haemoglobin genotype
AA Number of total cases with AA haemoglobin genotype
SS Number of total cases with SS haemoglobin genotype
Beta thal Number of total cases with Beta Thal haemoglobin genotype
Others Number of total cases with Other haemoglobin genotype

Filters: Date Range as a filter. On registration and enrolment date the filter will be applied.

6. Sample Status(Pending Sample)

Title of the Report in Metabase: Sample Status (Pending Sample)

Context / Purpose of the report: User wants to track the sample collected by HW. Based on the result of the sample user will know whether the screening is done for that sample or any step is still pending.

Criteria / Logic for data: Show all the cases that are in process of screening or screened.

Columns (along with logic for columns except the basic ones):

Columns Description
Name Name of beneficiary for whom sample is pending
DOB Date of Birth of Beneficiary
Gender Gender of Beneficiary
Husband/Father Name Name of Husbancd or Father of Beneficiary
Block Block of Beneficiary residence
Village Village of Beneficiary
Address Complete address of Beneficiary
Registration Date Date when the Beneficiary got registered in the system
Phone Number Contact number of Beneficiary
Sample Number Enrolment Number of Beneficiary
Date of collection Date when the sample got collected from the field.
Name of Lab Name of the lab where the sample is sent for diagnosis.
Date of send to lab date when sample was sent to lab.
Solubility result Result of solubility from field or from lab
Electrophoresis result Result of Electrophoresis from lab
HPLC Result Result of HPLC from lab
ANC/Non-ANC Whether ANC or Non-ANC will come in this column based on if the case is pregnancy case or not

Filters: Name of the lab, ANC/Non-ANC, Based on sample pending for the type of test (eg. – Solubility, electrophoresis, HPLC), Date of collection (Date range).

7. Uncoaded Villages

Title of the Report in Metabase: Uncoded Village

Context / Purpose of the report: The implementation doesn’t have a complete list of all the villages so we have put a village called ‘Other’. Once this is selected a question appears in registration form which asks for ‘Other village name’. The coordinators will keep reviewing these free text fields and keep on asking us to added coded list of villages.

Criteria / Logic for data: Show all the Village Name that are filled in the Other Village during Registration.

Columns (along with logic for columns except the basic ones):

Columns Description
Other Village name Name of Village entered in Other village name in the registration form
Block name Name of block where that block is
District name Name of district where that block is
Individual name Name of individual in which registration form the village name has been captured.
Registration date date of registration of that registration form when that form has been filled

Filters: Date filter on registration date