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REST endpoint for a Todo application that can be used for training purposes.

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Project: Server-side application Generated according to the DoIt2Day API OpenAPI specification. After code generation it's better to update libraries for the latest versions to prevent possible security issues.



The code was generated with the following options:

Option Value
Language Java 17
Framework Spring Boot 3.1.6
Build tool Gradle (Groovy) 8.1.1


The pipeline contains the following stages for continuous integration and deployment of the application:

  • build: build, test, package the sources
  • check: perform project source code checks
  • publish: create a docker image and publish to a docker registry

To view the visual representation of pipeline stages and jobs, click "CI-CD" -> "Editor" -> "Visualize" in your project repo

Subsequent sections describe each of these stages in details

Make sure the following environment variables are set to proper values:

Name Place Description
DOCKER_AUTH_CONFIG Credentials for the CoF image registry. Provides base images, GitLab runner images, and as well allows to push application images. Please find tokens here: Access CoF Images GitLab CI-CD variables


The initial source code will be supplemented with automatically generated code for API models, controllers and interfaces.

Build the application

At the build stage of the pipeline this task is run automatically by build.yml job, but you can also run it manually

Run gradlew build

When completed, the built JAR can be found in build/libs

Maven repositories

In build.gradle 'asf-libs-maven-local' artifactory repository is added additionally to mavenCentral(). In settings.gradle 'asf-libs-maven-local' artifactory repository is added additionally to gradlePluginPortal().

Artifactory repository 'asf-libs-maven-local' is accessible from the intranet Telekom network without credentials. To access libraries in artifactory from the internet, you should extend the configs with the access token as described in the guide:

maven {
  credentials {
    username "$System.env.ARTIFACTORY_USER"
    password "$System.env.ARTIFACTORY_TOKEN"

ARTIFACTORY_USER and ARTIFACTORY_TOKEN should be added as environment variables on your computer. To generate the token, you can go to the artifactory UI, login with GitLab account (using SAML) and in user setting generate API Key.

OpenAPI based code generation

Models and API classes are generated by OpenAPI Generator plugin. This project uses OpenAPITools release of the plugin.

OpenAPI Generator plugin provides a task that executes code generation. The task runs automatically when the build/test task is triggered. You can also run it separately.

Due to a bug in OpenAPI Generator's Spring related generator, in some cases if there is inheritance between objects where the superclass has x-nullable: true properties, the OpenAPI generation will produce a compilation error at the model package. To prevent this, we have modified the original templates, which can be found in the following folder in your project: /src/main/resources/custom-openapi-templates. If you do not want to use these custom templates you can delete them, in which case you should also delete the following line of code from the openapi generator plugin: templateDir = "$projectDir/src/main/resources/custom-openapi-templates"

Run gradlew openApiGenerate

The following sources will be generated in corresponding directories:

Path Description
build/generated-sources/src/main/java/onsite/academy/api API
build/generated-sources/src/main/java/onsite/academy/model Model

Run the application locally

To start the application locally, execute the following task from your IDE or command line. Run gradlew bootRun

By default, authentication will be deactivated, when you run the application locally. Refer to the Authentication section for further information.


The generated application exposes the API with default generated controllers. The default context root is "/".

The API could be browsed in the swagger-ui dashboard:


Code Quality

At the check stage code_quality job inspects your code for compliance with conventions and standards. Code Quality uses the open source Code Climate tool to analyze your source code.

At the end of code_quality job you will see an additional Code Quality tab in your merge request and pipeline page.

In the current Code Quality version merge requests are not blocked if violations were detected.

You can disable the code_quality job using the following environment variable:

Variable Example Description Location
ENABLE_CODE_QUALITY true flag for enabling the code_quality job in a pipeline .gitlab-ci.yml or GitLab CI-CD variables

Read more about GitLab Code Quality


The application is pre-configured for OAuth2.0 based authentication flow, that uses StarGate Gateway as identity provider.

According to the StarGate handbook, the Access Token is generated by the StarGate and forwarded to the service as HTTP-header field Authorization. It allows the called service to check if the originating call was coming from a trusted StarGate.

The validation of Access Token is handled by the Spring security using the values defined in:

  • Helm charts for remote deployment
  • application.yaml file for local run

How to change identity provider

If your service is not published on the StarGate, you can change the identity provider.

Please adjust issuer-uri and jwk-set-uri according to your identity provider.

Example for TARDIS Identity Provider in application.yaml file:


Local run without authentication

For local run security disabled as the default Spring profile set to default. When you run application locally, and the profile is not set or set to default the security is disabled.

In order to enable security for local run, set the profile to any non-default value. You can do this via CLI parameter

When you deploy your application to the dev, uat, prod, environment name is passed to SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE variable via Deployment.yaml chart. So that, security is enabled.

You can read more about profiles here

Reference Documentation

For further reference, please consider the following sections:

More information

For more information regarding the Code Factory features, please refer to the documentation or contact us in case of questions.


REST endpoint for a Todo application that can be used for training purposes.






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