This is a repository for facilitating testing when using Fluxxor. It can be used along with Jest for testing.
Suggestions and pull requests are welcome.
npm install -D fluxxor-test-utils
If you're using jest, you'll want to ensure that this module is not mocked.
Or, you can globally configure jest with unmockedModulePathPatterns
in your package.json
"jest": {
"unmockedModulePathPatterns": [
You may also need to put object-path
into ummockedModulePaths
according to #11. Sorry, I haven't chased this down, but including it in readme just in case.
If you're using Jest, according to this issue: jestjs/jest#106, you'll have to add jest.dontMock('util');
at the top of every test in which you want to use fluxxor
or fluxxor-test-utils
# FluxxorTestUtils.fakeFlux( [storesOrFluxInstance], [actions] )
# FakeFlux inherits from Fluxxor.Lib.Flux and has some additional methods to facilitate testing.
# @param: (optional) Object of stores | instance of Flux
# @param: (optional) Object of actions
# @returns: FakeFlux instance
var FluxxorTestUtils = require('fluxxor-test-utils');
var fakeFlux = FluxxorTestUtils.fakeFlux();
// returns instance of FakeFlux with empty stores and empty actions
// fakeFlux.stores = {}
// fakeFlux.actions = {}
// you can now add stores or actions on this flux object
// fakeFlux.addStores({ FooStore: new FooStore() }) or fakeFlux.addActions("doFooAction", function() { ... } );
var fakeFlux = FluxxorTestUtils.fakeFlux({ Foo: new FooStore() }, { doFooAction: function() { } });
// returns instance of FakeFlux with stores and actions
// fakeFlux.stores = { Foo: FooStore instance }
// fakeFlux.actions = { doFooAction: function() { } }
var realFlux = new Fluxxor.Flux({ Foo: new FooStore() }, { doFooAction: function() { } });
var fakeFlux = new FluxxorTestUtils.fakeFlux(realFlux);
// returns instance of FakeFlux using the stores and actions defined on a Flux instance
// fakeFlux.stores = { Foo: FooStore instance }
// fakeFlux.actions = { doFooAction: function() { } }
# FluxxorTestUtils.extendJasmineMatchers( jasmine )
# This method extends jasmine matchers with additional methods for testing.
# @param: (required) The jasmine object (usually "this" when in a test suite)
# @returns: itself to allow for chaining
# from within a test suite:
var FluxxorTestUtils;
describe('some suite', function() {
beforeEach(function() {
FluxxorTestUtils = require('fluxxor-test-utils');
// or:
// FluxxorTestUtils = require('fluxxor-test-utils').extendJasmineMatchers();
// now we can use:
// expect(StoreWatchSpy).toHaveEmitted();
// expect(StoreWatchSpy).lastEmittedWith('change');
// expect(ActionsDispatchSpy).lastDispatchedWith('foo event', { value: "foo" });
# FluxxorTestUtils.getJestUtils()
# Returns object that helps resolve jest instance if you're using jest-cli to test
# @returns: JestUtils
var FluxxorTestUtils = require('fluxxor-test-utils');
var JestUtils = FluxxorTestUtils.getJestUtils();
# fakeFlux.makeStoreEmitSpy( storeName )
# Once the store spied on, all this.emit() calls from within the store are overridden and cannot be restored.
# Returns a StoreEmitSpy
# @param: (required) valid name of a store
# @returns: StoreEmitSpy
var fakeFlux = FluxxorTestUtils.fakeFlux({ FooStore: new FooStore() });
var fooSpy = fakeFlux.makeStoreEmitSpy('FooStore');
# fakeFlux.makeActionsDispatchSpy();
# Once the actions dispatch is spied on, all the this.dispatch() calls from within the actions are overridden and cannot be restored.
# Returns an ActionsDispatchSpy
# @returns: ActionsDispatchSpy
var fakeFlux = FluxxorTestUtils.fakeFlux({}, { doFooAction: function() { } });
var actionsSpy = fakeFlux.makeActionsDispatchSpy();
The following FakeFlux methods require Jest
# fakeFlux.genMocksForStores( storeName, [storeName...])
# When used within Jest tests, creates mocks for each of the store's public methods (not prefixed with '_')
# @param: one or more names of store, use "*" to mock all stores
# @returns: FakeFlux instance for chaining
var fakeFlux = FluxxorTestUtils.fakeFlux({ FooStore: new FooStore(), BarStore: new BarStore() });
// now all the FooStore methods are mocked with jest.genMockFn();
fakeFlux.genMocksForStores('FooStore', 'BarStore');
// now both the FooStore and BarStore methods are mocked with jest.genMockFn();
// all of the stores' methods are mocked with jest.genMockFn();
# fakeFlux.genMocksForActions()
# When used within Jest tests, creates mocks for all of the FakeFlux's actions
# @returns: FakeFlux instance for chaining
var fakeFlux = FluxxorTestUtils.fakeFlux({}, { doFooAction: function() { } });
// now all the actions are mocked with jest.genMockFn();
# fakeFlux.genMocksForStoresAndActions()
# Mocks all the passed stores and actions` methods using jest.genMockFn(); If no stores passed, mocks all stores.
# @params: store names
# @returns: FakeFlux instance for chaning
var fakeFlux = FluxxorTestUtils.fakeFlux({ FooStore: new FooStore() }, { doFooAction: function() { } });
// now all the stores' and actions' methods are mocked with jest.genMockFn();
# Spy.__calls__ "private" reference to array of arguments of captured calls
# Spy.__captureCall "private" method to capture a call
Spy.__captureCall('bar', 'baz');
# Spy.getCalls()
# @returns: array of argruments of captured calls
// returns [['foo'], ['bar', 'baz']];
# Spy.getLastCall()
# @returns: array of parameters for last call
// returns ['bar', 'baz'];
# Spy.resetCalls();
# @returns: null
// now Spy.__calls__ is an empty array
describe('Testing MyStore', function() {
var FluxxorTestUtils, fakeFlux, myStore, myStoreSpy;
beforeEach(function() {
FluxxorTestUtils = require('fluxxor-test-utils').extendJasmineMatchers(this);
// now our jasmine matchers are available
fakeFlux = FluxxorTestUtils.fakeFlux({ MyStore: new require('../my-store')() });
// now we have a FakeFlux instance that has .stores.MyStore
myStore ='MyStore');
// easier access to my store instance
myStoreSpy = fakeFlux.makeStoreEmitSpy('MyStore');
// now all our this.emit() calls from within the store are captured
it('when dispatcher dispatches event of "foo event" with payload.value, it should set .getValue() and emit "change" event', function() {
fakeFlux.dispatcher.dispatch({ type: "foo event", payload: { value: "new value" } });
expect(myStore.getValue()).toBe('new value');
// because we extended jasmine matchers, we can also do:
describe('Testing MyActions', function() {
var FluxxorTestUtils, fakeFlux, myActionsSpy;
beforeEach(function() {
FluxxorTestUtils = require('fluxxor-test-utils').extendJasmineMatchers(this);
// now our jasmine matchers are available
fakeFlux = FluxxorTestUtils.fakeFlux({}, require('../my-actions'));
// now we have a FakeFlux instance that has .actions set
myActionsSpy = fakeFlux.makeActionsDispatchSpy();
// now all our this.dispatch() calls from within the actions are captured
it('when actions.doFoo() called with "foo value", it should dispatch "foo event" and { value: "foo value" }', function() {
fakeFlux.actions.doFoo('foo value');
expect(myActionsSpy.getLastCall()).toEqual(['foo event', { value: "foo value" }]);
// or:
expect(myActionsSpy).lastDispatchedWith('foo event', { value: "foo value" });
describe('Testing my component', function() {
var React, TestUtils, FluxxorTestUtils, fakeFlux, MyComponent;
beforeEach(function() {
React = require('react/addons');
TestUtils = React.addons.TestUtils;
FluxxorTestUtils = require('fluxxor-test-utils');
fakeFlux = FluxxorTestUtils({ MyStore: new require('../my-store') }, require('../my-actions'));
// now all store and action methods are mocked for testing
MyComponent = require('../my-component');
it('when mounted, it should call .getFooValue() on my store and set', function() {
var store = fakeFlux.stores.MyStore; // easier reference to our store
var component;
store.getFooValue.mockReturnValue('value from store');
component = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(MyComponent({ flux: fakeFlux });
expect('value from store');
it('when mounted and clicked, should call actions.doFooAction()', function() {
var component = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(MyComponent({ flux: fakeFlux });;