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Automate PostgreSQL Version Upgrades on Amazon RDS

Managing the lifecycle of your PostgreSQL database is essential for maintaining optimal performance, security, and feature access. Even with Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL simplifying operations, version upgrades remain a critical task for database administrators, especially in large-scale deployments. Manual upgrades can introduce challenges such as extended downtime and potential human errors, both of which can disrupt application stability.

Automation can help address these challenges. By leveraging AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) commands within a Unix shell script, you can automate the upgrade process, including prerequisite checks and upgrading a single RDS instance. To scale this approach for multiple instances, you can integrate with AWS System Manager using RDS tag strategy to upgrade entire fleet of RDS instances across multiple environments—such as Development, Staging, and Production—in a consistent and automated manner.

This repository will guide you through setting up automation for pre-upgrade checks and upgrading one or more RDS instances.

Table of Contents


  • Automate Amazon RDS PostgreSQL version upgrades
  • Perform prerequisite checks before upgrading
  • Upgrade a single RDS instance
  • Scale the upgrade process to multiple RDS PostgreSQL instances
  • Integrate with AWS System Manager for fleet-wide upgrades


Upgrade fleet of RDS PostgreSQL instances using AWS Systems Manager


  1. User connects to AWS Systems Manager console and execute automation job
  2. Connects to S3 and downloads the upgrade shell script to ec2 instance
  3. Connects to ec2 instance and identifies list of RDS PostgreSQL instances based on tag key/value pair: For e.g.: UpgradeDB = Y
  4. For each RDS PostgreSQL Instance identified, configures RDS instance to push DB and upgrade logs to CloudWatch if not configured already
  5. Retrieves secret from secret manager
  6. Performs upgrade
  7. Pushes log files to S3
  8. Sends email notification.


  1. User connects to EC2 and executes the upgrade script
  2. Checks if RDS instance is valid
  3. Configures RDS instance to push DB and upgrade logs to CloudWatch if not configured already
  4. Retrieves secret from secret manager
  5. Performs upgrade tasks
  6. Pushes log files to S3
  7. Sends email notification.

High-level Tasks with PREUPGRADE and UPGRADE options


  1. Create new parameter group
  2. Take database snapshot


  1. Create new parameter group
  2. Take database snapshot
  3. Drop replication slot(s)
  4. OS maintenance
  5. Database version upgrade
  6. PostgreSQL extensions update
  7. Analyze
  8. VACUUM (unfreeze).

Click to expand/collapse Flow Charts

Flow Charts

Upgrade fleet of RDS PostgreSQL instances using AWS Systems Manager


Upgrade single RDS PostgreSQL instance



Setup - Upgrade fleet of RDS PostgreSQL instances using AWS Systems Manager

  1. Prerequisites

      a. AWS resources required:
         i. EC2 instance primarily to store and run upgrade script, and store log files.
                - Required Tools:
                      -- AWS CLI
                      -- PostgreSQL client utility
                      -- jq for JSON processing
         ii. IAM profile attached to EC2 instance with necessary permissions.
                 - Refer to [create_rds_psql_instance_cfn.yaml] file for required permissions.
                          Note: Modify resource names appropriately
                 - Attach this IAM role to ec2 instance
         iii. RDS instance(s) with:
                 - VPC configuration
                 - Subnet group(s)
                 - Security group(s)
                 - Parameter group
                 - AWS Secrets Manager secret attached to each RDS instance
                 - Refer to [create_rds_psql_instance_cfn.yaml] file for required permissions.
                       Note: Modify resource names appropriately
         vi. S3 bucket to store scripts and logs (optional)
         v. SNS topic for notifications (optional)
      b. Network Configuration.
         - Database security group must allow inbound traffic from EC2 instance
  2. Upload unix shell script [] from this repo to S3 bucket

  3. Create SSM automation document using CFN [create_ssm_rds_patch_automation_document.yaml] Note: Modify resource names appropriately

  4. Identify minor or major upgrade path. Below is an example AWS CLI command to identify appropriate upgrade path for RDS PostgreSQL 14.9.

          aws rds describe-db-engine-versions \
            --engine postgres \
            --engine-version 14.9 \
            --query "DBEngineVersions[].ValidUpgradeTarget[].{EngineVersion:EngineVersion,IsMajorVersionUpgrade:IsMajorVersionUpgrade}" \
            --output table
          |         DescribeDBEngineVersions         |
          |  EngineVersion |  IsMajorVersionUpgrade  |
          |  14.10         |  False                  |
          |  14.11         |  False                  |
          |  14.12         |  False                  |
          |  14.13         |  False                  |
          |  14.14         |  False                  |
          |  14.15         |  False                  |
          |  15.4          |  True                   |
          |  15.5          |  True                   |
          |  15.6          |  True                   |
          |  15.7          |  True                   |
          |  15.8          |  True                   |
          |  15.9          |  True                   |
          |  15.10         |  True                   |
          Based on the above output:
                - For version 14.9, 14.10 thru 14.15 are valid minor version upgrade paths.
                - For version 14.9, 15.4 thru 15.10 are valid major version upgrade paths.
  5. Execute SSM automation document "RDSPostgreSQLFleetUpgrade"

    • Identify major or minor version upgrade path as shown in the previous section

    • Provide appropriate input parameters. See below screenshots. -- Input parameters in SSM console rds-patch-ssm-input-parameters.png

      -- SSM automation job: Status


         -- SSM automation steps (1 and 2): Status

    rds-psql-upgrade-ssm-automation-job-step-1-status.png rds-psql-upgrade-ssm-automation-job-step-1-status.png

Setup - Upgrade single RDS PostgreSQL instance

  1. Prerequisites from the above section apply to this section as well.

  2. Clone the repository.

    git clone
  3. Navigate to the project directory.

    cd rds-postgres-upgrade
  4. Grant execute permission on the shell script.

    chmod u+x
  5. Identify minor or major upgrade path as mentioned in the above section.

  6. Update environment variables in the shell script [], if required (optional).

  7. Execute upgrade process.

    a. Set up log file location in the environment (optional). If this variable is not set, log files will not be copied over to S3 bucket.

         export S3_BUCKET_PATCH_LOGS="<s3-bucket-name>"
         e.g.: export S3_BUCKET_PATCH_LOGS="s3-rds-psql-patch-test-bucket"

    b. Configure email notification (optional). If this variable is not set, this process will not send notification at the end of this upgrade process.

         export SNS_TOPIC_ARN_EMAIL="<sns-topic-arn>"
         e.g.: export SNS_TOPIC_ARN_EMAIL="arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:11111111111:sns-rds-psql-patch-test-sns-topic"

    c. Execute upgrade script.

            ./ [db-instance-id] [next-engine-version] [run-pre-check]
            e.g.: ./ rds-psql-patch-test-1 15.6 PREUPGRADE
            PREUPGRADE = Run pre-requisite tasks, and do NOT run upgrade tasks
            UPGRADE = Do not run pre-requisite tasks, but run upgrade tasks
            Note: Review this document []
                  for appropriate minor or major supported verion (a.k.a appropirate upgrade path)
  8. Example Usage:

        a. Preupgrade process exeuction:
            export S3_BUCKET_PATCH_LOGS="s3-rds-psql-patch-test-bucket"
            export SNS_TOPIC_ARN_EMAIL="arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:11111111111:sns-rds-psql-patch-test-sns-topic"
            nohup ./ rds-psql-patch-instance-1 14.10 PREUPGRADE >rds-psql-patch-instance-1-preupgrade-`date +'%Y%m%d-%H-%M-%S'`.out 2>&1 &
        b. Upgrade process exeuction
            export S3_BUCKET_PATCH_LOGS="s3-rds-psql-patch-test-bucket"
            export SNS_TOPIC_ARN_EMAIL="arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:11111111111:sns-rds-psql-patch-test-sns-topic"
            nohup ./ rds-psql-patch-instance-1 14.15 UPGRADE >rds-psql-patch-instance-1-upgrade-`date +'%Y%m%d-%H-%M-%S'`.out 2>&1 &


To perform end-to-end testing of this process using AWS System Manager, perform below steps using AWS Console:

Note: This will create VPC, subnets, routes, ec2, RDS, security groups, IAM policy/role, NAT, IGW, EIP and others.

  1. Run CloudFormation scrtipt [create_rds_psql_instance_cfn.yaml] to create complete test stack with input parameter values.

  2. Run CloudFormation script [create_ssm_rds_patch_automation_document.yaml] to create SSM automation document.

  3. Upload RDS patch shell script [] to S3 bucket created in Step 1 above.

  4. Execute automation document from AWS Systems Manager console (as per Step 4 of the section "Upgrade fleet of RDS PostgreSQL instances using AWS Systems Manager").

Log Files

Below log files will be generated in the logs directory for each option


Log File Type Purpose Sample File Name
Pre-upgrade Execution Log Main execution log for pre-upgrade tasks preupgrade-rds-psql-patch-test-1-20230615-14-30-45.out
Freeze Task Log Log of VACUUM FREEZE command execution run_db_task_freeze-20230615-14-30-45.log


Log File Type Purpose Sample File Name
Upgrade Execution Log Main execution log for upgrade tasks upgrade-rds-psql-patch-test-1-20230615-14-30-45.out
Current DB Configuration Backup Backup of current DB configuration before upgrade db_current_config_backup_postgres15-20230615-14-30-45.txt
Replication Slot Drop Log Log of replication slot drop operation (major upgrades only) drop_replication_slot_20230615-14-30-45.log
Extension Update Log Log of PostgreSQL extension updates update_db_extensions_20230615-14-30-45.log
Analyze Task Log Log of ANALYZE command execution run_db_task_analyze-20230615-14-30-45.log
Unfreeze Task Log Log of VACUUM (unfreeze) command execution run_db_task_unfreeze-20230615-14-30-45.log


The scalable solution automates RDS for PostgreSQL pre-upgrade and upgrade tasks, reducing manual effort and potential errors. With built-in logging and optional email notifications, it provides real-time visibility and comprehensive tracking. By optionally storing logs in S3, you benefit from a cost-effective solution that ensures logs are readily available for analysis, audits, and compliance purposes.

We recommend validating the solution in a non-production environment before implementing this process in production.


This script is provided as-is. Please review and test thoroughly before using in a production environment.

This README provides an overview of your script, including its purpose, how to use it, prerequisites, and a brief description of its functions and environment variables. It also includes some usage examples and notes about the script's behavior. You can adjust or expand this README as needed to provide more detailed information about your script.


Contributions are welcome! If you have any ideas, suggestions, or bug reports, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.


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