This project has three goals:
- Provide mechanisms for meta-aws and meta-aws-demos continuous integration and pull request verification.
- Provide mechanisms for OEM/ODM customers wanting to streamline Embedded Linux delivery.
- Provide a reference implementation that illustrates how to integrate and maintain AWS device software throughout the IoT product lifecycle.
auto-upgrader/ <= tool that is used in meta-aws to generate pull requests if an recipe upgrade is available
docs/ <= writeups of different topics
ff-merge/ <= script to perform -next to release branch ff merge
release-tests/ <= script to build and ptests all Yocto meta-aws releases
This repository uses pre-commit to run yaml, whitespace, and cloudformation linters.
To install pre-commit locally:
pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install
To run the checks outside of git hooks:
pre-commit run --all-files
This repo is licensed under the MIT-0 License.