v1.6.0-aws-b1.0.0 (Preview)
1 commit
to release-v1.6.0-aws-b1.0.0
since this release
What’s New
This is a preview release for Kubeflow
. The Kubeflow working groups have identified some regressions inv1.6.0
which will be addressed inv1.6.1
. More details can be found here.
This release offers the following features:
- Added support for Kubeflow
. Component versions as listed in components versions table - Integration of SageMaker with Kubeflow to run hybrid machine learning workflows using SageMaker Operators for Kubernetes (ACK) and SageMaker Components for Kubeflow Pipelines. Documentation
- Added
support for all supported deployment options - Automated deployment options have been improved to be simplified and more stable
- Added support for Infrastructure as Code (IaaC) 1-click deployment for Kubeflow on AWS using Terraform (preview)
- Terraform stacks added for all supported deployment options
- Creates a VPC and EKS Cluster
- Creates S3 buckets, RDS instances, and/or Cognito resources as needed
- Configures and deploys Kubeflow
- Configured using EKS Blueprints for improved customizability/extensability
- Terraform stacks added for all supported deployment options
- Configurable S3 endpoint configuration for S3 and RDS-S3 deployment options, allowing PrivateLink and non-commercial region users to connect to their respective S3 endpoints
- Added integration with Prometheus, Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus, and Amazon Managed Grafana to monitor metrics with Kubeflow on AWS. Documentation
- Updated notebook containers with the latest deep learning containers based on Tensorflow
and PyTorch1.12
(#363) - Integration with AWS Deep Learning Containers to run distributed training and inference workloads
- Enable usage of HTTPs only S3 bucket (#335)
- Support for EKS - 1.22, 1.23
This release includes the following bug fixes:
- Re-enable mysql for s3-only pipelines deployment (#310)
Updated documentation available at: https://awslabs.github.io/kubeflow-manifests/release-v1.6.0-aws-b1.0.0/docs/
Known Issues
- #117 (Workaround documented in issue)
- #118 (Workaround documented in issue)
- Following known issues will be fixed in next release:
Full Changelog: release-v1.5.1-aws-b1.0.2...release-v1.6.0-aws-b1.0.0