This application visualizes the SMTP relay via Neo4j.
- Forward all emails to the Parse Webhook address.
- SendGrid POST the emails to a URL(Web App).
- "Web App" receives POSTs from SendGrid, then parse the headers (Received header) of emails.
- "Web App" looks up DNS and searches IP geo location.
- "Web App" creates Nodes and Relationships on the Neo4j.
The path that has the same message_id.
The paths that has same domain in the message_id.
The paths from Ingress notification. It seems relay is few.
The paths from Amazon newsletter.
The paths from Money Forward. It seems that the servers are redundant.
All paths. The center Node is destination Node.
message-idを指定してルート指定 MATCH (s)-[r]->(g) WHERE r.message_id =~ ".20141228204932\.5118\.qmail@itpms03\.itmedia\.co\.jp." RETURN s, r, g
宛先アドレスを指定して検索 MATCH (s)-[r]->(g) WHERE =~ ".xxx@gmail\.com." RETURN s, r, g
送信元アドレスを指定して検索 MATCH (s)-[r]->(g) WHERE r.from =~ ".ingress-support@google\.com." RETURN s, r, g
送信元アドレスと期間を指定して検索 MATCH (s)-[r]->(g) WHERE r.from =~ ".xxx@gmail\.com." AND > 100 AND < 1417960600 RETURN s, r, g