This is a simple Java library for Crunchbase API.
##Usage Download the binary distribution of this library from here, and the library's dependencies which are:
- Hamcrest Core 1.3
- Commons Lang 2.4
- Jackson Databind 2.0.0
- Jackson Annotations 2.0.0
- Jackson Core 2.0.0
- Commons IO 2.4
Put them into CLASSPATH, and you are good to go!
NOTE: I am planning to have the library in the Maven central repository down the road, so we'll see how it goes.
##Library Guide All of methods for processing are located in Crunchbase4J class. Those are:
public ____Entity getEntity____(String permalink)
(For example: public CompanyEntity getEntityCompany(String companyPermalink)
This method retrieves Entity from Crunchbase API which can be either Company, Person, Financial Organization, Product and Service Provider.
public Entity[] getEntityList(EntityListType type)
This method retrieves the list of all Entity names and its permalink. EntityListType is an enum type of either COMPANIES, PEOPLE, FINANCIAL_ORGANIZATIONS, PRODUCTS, SERVICE_PROVIDERS. -
public Search getSearch(String keyword)
This method returns search from Crunchbase based on entered keyword. p/s: There are actually several other parameters available from the API but those will not be included for now. -
public Posts getPosts(PostsType postsType, String... strings)
This method requests link of Post that is associated with Entity defined in the parameter string array.
Refer to the Javadocs for more info.