Link to frontend :
In this, user has to firstly register, then login. After logging in, user has to play in 5 successive rounds. each round has a different and intriguing challenge, one wrong answer and pffttt.... re-spawned from the first level.
If a user attempts to reload the page or if he logs in after leaving the game in the middle of a level, the game resumes from where the user left it last time. The state(current level,current score,time and high score) of a user is always saved.
In this, various soft skills assessed are:
- Critical thinking
- Creativity
- Attention to detail
- Perseverance
- Adaptability
Frontend is based on ReactJs. Backend is in Nodejs. Database: Mysql. Have also used ExpressJs,concurrently,express-session etc. Deployed database on Amazon RDS
Clone the repo, run yarn install in the frontend i.e. treasure-app. Then, navigate to backend directory i.e. treasure-backend and run npm install. Ensure MongoDB is installed and running(Refer to mongodb guide for the OS of your system)
Run yarn start.
P.S. : Just because I used 'Concurrently' package and added some scripts, one just has to run yarn start and both frontend and backend get fired up, simultaneously.
- Admin Panel with leaderboard and statistics.
- Appealing design.
- Login system
- Asynchoronous loading components.
- Assessing various soft skills.
- Time elapsed is tracked, updated and best time is also stored.
- If a user reloads the page or signs-in again, he starts from where he left earlier.
- Level 1: A riddle. Three chances are given to a user for correct answer, score decreases by 15 for each wrong attempt. User gets +100 for correct submission in first go.
- Level 2: Involves critical thinking and observation, user has to draw some inference from a link. +100 for correct answer.
- Level 3: Attention to detail, Perseverance are assessed. User has to watch a video and answer a question. +100 for correct answer.
- Level 4: jigsaw puzzle. Here time taken is also tracked and scores are awarded accordingly. Solving within 1.5 minutes gives 100 points, points decrease by -10 every 15 seconds.
- Level 5: A random trivia question to assess user's critical thinking and logic building. +100 for correct answer.