The ownCloud News Reader Android App is under AGPLv3 License terms.
Bugs and enhancements can be reported under:
Join the following Google Group:
There you can find a link (after I accepted you in the group) to Google Play for registering as beta tester of the app.
Have you found a translation error? Or would you like to use ownCloud News Reader in your native language?
You can join the translation team and improve one of over 100 languages (it's the android-news app).
Android Studio
Git installed (you can do the following stuff without git but I'm not going to show how).
Open cmd/terminal
Navigate to your workspace
Then type in:
git clone --recursive
for the dev branch:git clone --recursive -b dev
Run the following script
Import the Project and start coding!
If you should ever get a Gradle error
Configuration with name 'default' not found
while building, execute following commands in the projects root directory:git submodule init git submodule update
That's all. I hope it works for you! If something is not working, please send me an email to [email protected]
- David Luhmer (Maintainer)
- Daniel Schaal
- [otrichet] (
- [cemrich] (
- [Benjamin Stephan] (
- Partial bug fix - #532 Graphical bug in landscape mode 10.1"
- Bug fix - #530 App crashes when trying to launch "Settings"
- Improvement - Better error handling if API returns wrong version code
- Feature - Add Splash Screen
- Several Bug fixes and improvements
- Fix app crash - #519 New versions force quit on CM11
- Fix app crash - #519 New versions force quit on CM11
- Critical bug fix - #518 Bug in Using the app caused marking all articles as read and starred articles are lost
- Critical bug fix - #518 Bug in Using the app caused marking all articles as read and starred articles are lost
- Bug fix - #502 App crash when scrolling on empty list
- Bug fix - #509 Sharing links duplicates titles
- Bug fix - #493 Server and Username disappears
- Bug fix - #498 Server and Username disappears
- Improvement - #515 Increase the padding for article content
- Feature - #513 Deduplicate articles
- Feature - add support for video/mp4 podcasts
- Several Bug fixes and improvements
- Critical bug fix - #492 App crashes on start
- Bug fix - #487 App crashes when entering "Settings" on Android 4.4.4
- Security fix - #489 rfc: disable password check
- Bug fix - #435 Audio podcasts: icon disappears in detailed view
- Bug fix - #396 podcasts stop playing, maybe high memory usage
- Bug fix - #463 "Download images" stops after a few images
- Bug fix - #480 Show ALT text (and TITLE) in image long-click menu
- Bug fix - #481 Error with special characters in the title of feed
- Improvement - #479 Add a button to share article
- Improvement - #445 Audio Podcast: Download progress
- Improvement - #434 Audio Podcast: use androids media control elements
- Improvement - #436 Audio podcast: highlight them in detailed view
- Improvement - #485 Rename to "ownCloud News"
- Performance improvement
- Several Bug fixes and improvements
- Bug fix - #349 Widget always empty
- Improvement - #472 Starring is broken (add swipe to star again)
- Improvement - #146 add context menu on pressing long on an item
- Improvement - #239 Add support for OPML files import/export
- Improvement - #343 Mark as read only when scrolling past article
- Improvement - #374 unread badge - teslaunread-api
- Security improvement (Prevent XSS)
- Bug fix
- Improvement - #474 New Feature: Rename and remove feeds
- Improvement - #465 Support for right-to-left languages
- Improvement - #456 Download-Directory-Chooser for images in webview
- Bug fix - #466 Articles are displayed in desktop view
- Improvement - #431 Avoid volume change at beginning and end of feed
- Improvement - #430 Switched collapse folder icons
- Improvement - #438 context menu "save image" in detail view
- Bug fix - #410 Latest release on google play does not sync
- Add profile picture support
- Bug fixes
- Improvement - #359 Feed view with full article content
- UI-Tweaks - #377 read and star slide
- Add ShowcaseView
- Bug fix - #393 Login button might get cropped / completely hidden
- Bug fix - #407 Auto reload news after sync
- Bug fixes
- Bug fix - #399 Missing scroll indicator in article list
- Bug fix - #401 "Open in browser" not using default browser
- Bug fix - #394 back button doesn't work correct
- Bug fix - #381 Back button doesn't work correct in articles
- Bug fix - #392 Wrong article is shown
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
- Bug fix - #388 App crash when opening an article
- Bug fix - #386 News always open in external browser
- Improvement - #376 Design improvements
- Bug fix - #371 App crash since 0.9.4 at startup
- UI-Redesign (special thanks to Daniel Schaal)
- Bug fix - #367 Widget non-functional, crashes frequently
- Bug fix - #366 "Sync on startup" option does not sync on startup only
- Bug fixes
- Improvement - #363 Add support for Chrome Custom Tabs
- Improvement - #361 Pause podcast when receiving call
- Improvement - #362 Redesign of the login dialog (special thanks to Daniel Schaal)
- Bug fix - #360 Fix app crash
- Bug fix - #364 App crash on Android < 4.1
- Bug fix - #258 login fails with long passwords
- Bug fixes
- Several UI-Improvements (special thanks to Daniel Schaal)
- Improvement - #350 option to set lines-count of title
- Improvement - #318 Image in advanced News item
- Bug fix - #342 Low contrast checkboxes in settings (pre Lollipop)
- Improvement - #343 Mark as read only when scrolling past article
- Improvement - #345 Pause support for podcast streams
- Bug fix - #348 Notification icon in Android 5.0 is just a white square
- Bug fix - #339 Does not remember position in article listing
- Improvement - #338 Allow App to be installed on SD-Card
- Improvement - #329 "Mark all as read" freezes UI for long lists.
- Bug fix - #333 Crash when opening Settings on Android 2.3
- Bug fix - #332 [0.8.7] Crash when opening article after mark newer item as read
- Bug fix - #303 List Item opens wrong Article (off by one)
- Bug fix - #308 Allow feeds being checked as "keep unread" instead of "read" when "mark as read while scrolling" feature is used
- Bug fix - #324 when I read the last unread news the news are not marked as read
- Bug fix - #327 Scrolling with volume keys produces sound... (Thanks @cemrich)
- Bug fix - #321 Disabled options menu item not greyed out in actionbar (Thanks @cemrich)
- Bug fixes
- Bug fix - #311 Android 5.0.2 performance
- Bug fixes
- PLEASE NOTE: This update deletes all your un-synchronized changes. After updating you'll need to perform a manual sync.
- Improvement - #288 Text to Speech (TTS)
- Bug fix - #307 App crash when favicon has a height or width of 0px
- Improvement - Show dialog to share a link/open in browser on long clicking a link in the detail-view
- Improve performance
- Bug fix - #301 App crashes while adding feed
- Bug fix - #296 App crashes when cache is full
- Bug fix - #295 Images included from relative URLs are not loaded
- Bug fix - #292 0.8.1: Can't save sync interval
- Improvement - #282 Launch by default: *rss.xml - subscribe
- Bug fix - #291 0.8.0: App crashes when adding new feed
- Bug fix - #290 0.8.0: Three dot menu in light theme wrong colors (black font on dark gray background)
- Bug fix - #289 0.8.0: Widget isn't working anymore
- Bug fixes/Improvements
- Material Design
- Bug fix - #236 Read items in Android News Client are not synced to server
- Bug fixes/Improvements
- Bug fix - #278 App broken on latest News release (4.0.1)
- Improvement - #277 Blockquote not correctly rendered
- Improvement - #272 Too much loading since v0.7.x
- Bug fixes/Improvements
- Bug fixes
- Bug fix - #269 App won't start
- Update podcast feature
- Fix podcast video view position
- Bug fix - #256 3.001: Expected BEGIN_ARRAY but was Number at line 1 column 19
- Bug fix - #262 Deleting a feed on the server does not delete it on the client
- Bug fix - #257 Share "Title - url" via twitter
- Lot of bug fixes
- Update podcast feature (Add option to download podcast)
- Improvement - #252 "Open in Browser" should open current page.
- New feature - #182 »Read« checkbox in widget
- Move "Sync Settings" option from Actionbar to Settings
- Bug fix - #212 sort order of starred items
- Improvement - #124 Add download image options: Over WiFi only, Over WiFi and Mobil or ask when not connected to WiFi
- Bug fixes
- Improve podcast layout
- Layout improvements
- Performance improvements
- Bug fix - #244 app crashs if screen rotate
- Layout improvements
- Bug fixes
- Bug fix - #245 clicking on feeds under starred items gives weird result
- Lot of bug fixes
- Bug fix - #243 Readed items are not synced to owncloud
- Bug fix - #242 Starred items aren't counted
- Bug fix - #241 Feeds without unread items are shown
- Rewrite backend - IMPORTANT All your data will be deleted. You'll have to make a full-sync after the update.
- Lot of bug fixes/improvements
- Performance improvements
- Add sorting podcasts by pub-date (descending)
- Add showcase view (API 11+)
- Fix app crash on devices with Android 2.2 - 2.3.*
- Small layout improvements (podcast view)
- Automatically restart app after podcast view has been enabled/disabled (or app theme changed)
- Start podcasts from the item detail view
- Add option to delete downloaded podcasts
- Bug fixes
- Add Podcast download support
- Add Video Podcast Support
- Youtube playlists are supported (Subscribe to a YouTube playlist using RSS)
- Fix app crash
- Other fixes and improvements
- Accept ogg podcasts
- Improve layout of podcast player
- Bug fix - #234 Favorite items don't count in total item count
- Accept mpeg podcasts (only mp3)
- Add notifications for Podcasts
- Fix app crash (tablets)
- Add option to disable podcast support
- Add podcast view to item detail view
- Bug fix - #231 App 0.6.7 crashs on start or after closing
- Add Podcast support (early preview)
- Bug fixes
- Bug fix - #232 Sync of already read items creates duplicate items
- Bug fix - #230 Leaving space after ownCloud address in the Login dialog produces an error
- Improvement - #226 Poor sync performance under high count of unread articles
- Bug fix - #227 Images appears in android gallery apps
- Bug fix - #223 All unread article counts are 0
- Bug fix - #220 Wrong display of unread items
- Bug fix - #223 All unread article counts are 0
- Improvement - Improved feed list scroll performance
- Improvement - Fixed that the list was blocked while updating the unread count
- Feature - Import Accounts from other ownCloud Apps
- Bug fix - #216 Bug in list overview in 0.6.0
- Performance improvements
- Layout improvement
- Fix critical app crash when leaving the add new activity
- Improvement - #199 Change App-Logo/Icon
- Improvement (better performance now) - #154 Scrolling feed list is slow
- Improvement - #215 Adjust Colors of light and dark view to the web-interface
- Extreme performance improvements
- Several bug fixes
- Layout improvement
- New feature - #35 Subscribe to feed with app
- Improvement - #208 Summary: gray font on black background
- Improvement - #154 Scrolling feed list is slow
- Bug fix - #213 When using the dark theme websites with no background color are unreadable
- Improvement - #211 Links within articles
- Improvement - #198 enable auto sync configuration
- Fixed flickering of the screen when changing Feeds (in dark Theme)
- New Pull-To-Refresh Style
- Bug fix - #200 Clicking article in widget makes app crash
- Bug fix - #196 Stutter with "mark as read while scrolling" turned on
- Improvement - #189 Read mouse-over
- Improve Changelog View
- Bug fix - #186 Missing "clear cache" in the settings (on Tablets)
- Improvement - #189 Read mouse-over
- Improvement - Fix Layout problems in DetailView
- Improvement - #195 Mark as read when opened in browser
- Bug fix - #194 favIcons and imgCache show up in Gallery
- Improvement - #184 Option to disable notification
- Update star/checkbox icons for devices with lower screen size
- Update language support
- Improvement - #176 Open directly in Browser
- Improvement - #179 Widget items not clickable
- Improvement - #183 Widget items color stripe position
- Improvement - Notification when background sync is enabled and new items are received
- Improvement - Fix high CPU-Load in Detail-View
- Improvement - Speed up image caching
- Improvement - #162 New items available notification pops up when there really aren't
- Improvement - #160 Widget font size
- Improvement - #161 'Send via' should be removed from sharing
- Critical Bug fix - #158 0.4.10 instantly crashes when opening
- Improvement - New Changelog Design
- Improvement - AppRater Plugin added
- Improvement - #155 Feed view isn't refreshed on sync
- Improvement - #153 Sidebar should be darker
- Bug fixes
- Update German Language support
- Readded full support of Android 2.2+ (was broken since 0.4.4)
- Improvement - In Landscape Mode on Tablets (7inch+) the Feed/Folder pane is always visible.
- Improvement - #77 There should be icons for folders and special categories
- Improvement - #139 Article list jumps after having article opened
- Improvement - #137 Back button shouldn't close app when app displays a specific feed or folder
- Improvement - #151 Reload slide pane when open event is triggered
- Improvement - #136 Fix that the translated app name is used as the folder name
- Improvement - #134 Sidebar - "Loading ..." font color should be brighter
- Improvement - #133 Refreshing after adding server data results in unauthorized
- Improvement - #57 Background synchronization
- Bug fix - #152 Changing sorting direction
- Improvement - #140 Open in browser and Share with controls always act on original article
- Update Language support
- fixed app crash when sync on startup is enabled
- faster favIcon pre-caching
- Fixed app freeze when sync is finished
- Small improvements
- Fixed critical app crash after sync finished
- Improved security for self signed certificates. Special thanks to Dominik Schürmann (@dschuermann) #130 (Implement MemorizingTrustManager to prevent MitM attacks)
- Small bug fixes
- Improvement - #128 (»Mark all as read« is sometimes disabled)
- Improvement - #125 (Feed list entries flash when unread count changes)
- Improvement - #129 (Line height needs to be increased for better readability)
- Fixed Security issue - thank you for the hint @davivel #47 (can't connect to my ownCloud)
- Fixed issue - #105 (Androids back button does not hide empty feeds)
- Fixed issue - #119 ("mark all read" button has some bugs)
- Fixed issue - #103 (Favicons not shown)
- Fixed issue - #112 (Click on wrong item)
- Fixed issue - #115 (Database lock issue)
- Improvement - #117 (Rearange the icons in the detail view)
- Improvement - #118 (Add author to the new detail view header)
- Improvement - #120 (Add coloured line to the feeds view in the average coulour of the favicon)
- Improvement - #107 (Keep unread)
- Improvement - #60 (Sync from unread items (or any feed view))
- Improvement - #113 (Long press on image to show title text)
- Improvement - #108 (Mark as read once post is beyond the screen)
- Improvement - #34 (Widget)
- Layout improvement - #106 (Option to skip list view)
- Layout improvement - #55 (collapsible feeds list to maximize item space on phablets)
- Layout improvement - #15 (make column bar between folders and newslist movable)
- Layout improvement - #116 (Remove About/Changelog Menu Item from the List Detail View (Second view))
- Improved german translation - #88 (Bad german translation)
- Fixed issue #104 (0.4.2 does not sync)
- Fix issue that sometimes Exeptions are not shown
- Update F-Droid (merge dev with master)
- Update Language Support from master branch
- critical bug fix that sync was broken #102 (0.4.1 doesn't sync anymore)
- Font settings are also applied to the item detail view now
- Fix issue that the Button "Download more items" was not working
- Fixed app crash when image cache is enabled and the dialog appear which asks the user if download via roaming is allowed.
- Fixed app crash reports.
- Fixed Issue #96 (Can't sync feeds - using a bad URL)
- Improved #95 Make font/font size user selectable
- Improved #86 clearing the cache while having read items prevents them from being synced
- Implemented Feature #99 Option to change item order new-old/old-new
- Support for APIv1 and APIv2. (That means the app on Google Play will be updated, too!)
- Small fixes
- Improved memory usage while synchronizing
- Auto sync of item state every 5 minutes
- Changed font style to Roboto Light
- Fixed Issue when trying to download more items in "all unread" and "starred items" view.
- Added option to set up the maximum cache size.
- Fixed app crash on tablets (could crash somtimes since v.0.3.7 when trying to download more items).
- Fixed Issue #78 (The cache should be cleared in the background)
- Improved feature #84 (Buttons to toggle the folders are hard to hit and not descriptive)
- Improved feature #76 (There should me more spacing between feeds and folders)
- Speed optimizations in the Folder/Feed Overview
- About/Changelog added
- Option to mark articles as read while scrolling #14 ("mark as read" on scroll)
- Rich list theme layout (WebView) #6
- Fixed issue #46 (Android 3.2.1 crash)
- Fixed issue #68 (Special folder "all unread articles" shows all articles)
- Fixed issue #69 (Crash when image cache enabled)
- Option to scroll through articles with Volume rockers #61 (Use volume rocker to browse through articles)
- Option to download old items for feed/folder #63 (Allow dowloading old items)
- Light Theme for item view #59 (White Theme doesn't apply to articles)
- Image offline caching function asks now if you want to download if you're not connected with wifi
- Item detail optimizations
- Fixed issue #52 (Folders visible multiple times)
- Fixed issue #53 (New items get added at the bottom)
- Added default feed favIcon
- Theme is now also applied in the settings screen
- Implemented #56 (Click on header to open article in browser)
- Offline reading (Only when you sync items the marked/starred/unread/unstarred items get synchronized. This save a lot of network traffic
- Offline image caching
- Login is getting verified when you click sign-in
- Strict-Hostname-Verification (Important Security Fix)
- Simple or extended list view
- Light or dark app Theme
- Implemented #29 Mark all Article in one Column as readed
- A lot of other new stuff and fixes
- Dark/Light App Theme
- Feed List Design Simple/Extended
- many new languages have been added
- Fixed app crash when leaving item detail view.
- Polish language support added (thank you for translating Cyryl)
- App crash fixed when no item header text is available
- Go back in the item view if you press the home button
- Added Up Button in detail view as fix for GitHub Issue #13
- Other small fixes
- Android 2.2+ Support added
- small bugfixes