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Code ported to GS64 from Pharo package System-BasicCommandLineHandler
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ytsejam78 committed Sep 18, 2023
1 parent 84a8940 commit f25cd48
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@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
That class tests the API given by AbstractUserInput. Since that class is obviously abstract, it can't be instantiated, the tests are running on CommandLine (which inherits from AbstractUserInput)
Class {
#name : #CommandLineArgumentsTest,
#superclass : #TestCase,
#instVars : [
#category : #'Launchpad-GS64-Extensions-Tests'

{ #category : #accessing }
CommandLineArgumentsTest >> commandLine [
^ commandLine

{ #category : #accessing }
CommandLineArgumentsTest >> parameters [
^ #('noOpt1' 'noOpt2.txt' 'noOpt3.avi' '--option1' 'opt11' 'opt12.txt' 'opt13.avi' '--option2' '--option3' '' 'opt32' '--option4' '--option5=option5Value' '-o' 'oValue')

{ #category : #running }
CommandLineArgumentsTest >> setUp [
super setUp.
commandLine := CommandLineArguments withArguments: self parameters

{ #category : #tests }
CommandLineArgumentsTest >> testAllFileTyped [
self assert: (self commandLine allFilesWithExtension: #txt) equals: #('noOpt2.txt' 'opt12.txt').
self assertEmpty: (self commandLine allFilesWithExtension: #foo)

{ #category : #tests }
CommandLineArgumentsTest >> testAllParameters [
self assertCollection: self commandLine arguments equals: self parameters

{ #category : #tests }
CommandLineArgumentsTest >> testHasFilesTyped [
self assert: (self commandLine hasFileWithExtension: #txt).
self deny: (self commandLine hasFileWithExtension: #foo)

{ #category : #tests }
CommandLineArgumentsTest >> testHasOption [
self assert: (self commandLine hasOption: #option1).
self assert: (self commandLine hasOption: #option4).
self assert: (self commandLine hasOption: #option5).
self assert: (self commandLine hasOption: #o).
self deny: (self commandLine hasOption: #foo).
self deny: (self commandLine hasOption: #option5Value)

{ #category : #tests }
CommandLineArgumentsTest >> testHasParameters [
self assert: (self commandLine hasArguments)

{ #category : #tests }
CommandLineArgumentsTest >> testOptionAt [
self should: [ self commandLine optionAt: #option1 ] raise: Error.
self should: [ self commandLine optionAt: #option4 ] raise: Error.

self assert: (self commandLine optionAt: #option5) equals: 'option5Value'.
self should: [ self commandLine optionAt: #foo ] raise: Error.

self assert: (self commandLine optionAt: #o) equals: 'oValue'.
self should: [ self commandLine optionAt: #x ] raise: Error

{ #category : #tests }
CommandLineArgumentsTest >> testOptionAtifAbsent [
self assert: (self commandLine optionAt: #option1 ifAbsent: [ nil ]) equals: nil.
self assert: (self commandLine optionAt: #option4 ifAbsent: [ nil ]) equals: nil.
self assert: (self commandLine optionAt: #option5) equals: 'option5Value'.
self assert: (self commandLine optionAt: #foo ifAbsent: [ nil ]) equals: nil.
self assert: (self commandLine optionAt: #o) equals: 'oValue'.
self assert: (self commandLine optionAt: #x ifAbsent: [ nil ]) equals: nil

{ #category : #tests }
CommandLineArgumentsTest >> testParameterAt [
self assert: (self commandLine argumentAt: 1) equals: 'noOpt1'.
self assert: (self commandLine argumentAt: 4) equals: '--option1'.
self deny: (self commandLine argumentAt: 5) equals: 'foo'.
self deny: (self commandLine argumentAt: 1) isNil
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Class {
#name : #CommandLineHandlerTest,
#superclass : #TestCase,
#category : #'Launchpad-GS64-Extensions-Tests'

{ #category : #utilities }
CommandLineHandlerTest >> argumentsWith: aCollection [
^ CommandLineArguments withArguments: aCollection

{ #category : #tests }
CommandLineHandlerTest >> testBasicCommandlineHandler [

| args |
args := self argumentsWith: #().
"BasicCommandLineHandler gets activated by default on image startup, so there is no need to activate it in a nother case"
self deny: (BasicCommandLineHandler isResponsibleFor: args).
"The BasicCommandLineHandler should always delegate to the PharoCommandLineHandler if it is present"
assert: BasicCommandLineHandler new selectedHandler
equals: PharoCommandLineHandler

{ #category : #tests }
CommandLineHandlerTest >> testResponsibilityDefault [
| args |
args := self argumentsWith: #('--help').
self assert: (PharoCommandLineHandler isResponsibleFor: args).
self deny: (STCommandLineHandler isResponsibleFor: args).
self deny: (EvaluateCommandLineHandler isResponsibleFor: args)

{ #category : #tests }
CommandLineHandlerTest >> testResponsibilityEval [
| args |
args := self argumentsWith: #('eval' '1+2').
self assert: (PharoCommandLineHandler isResponsibleFor: args).
self deny: (STCommandLineHandler isResponsibleFor: args).
self assert: (EvaluateCommandLineHandler isResponsibleFor: args).

args := self argumentsWith: #('-e' '1+2').
self assert: (PharoCommandLineHandler isResponsibleFor: args).
self deny: (STCommandLineHandler isResponsibleFor: args).
self assert: (EvaluateCommandLineHandler isResponsibleFor: args).

args := self argumentsWith: #('--evaluate' '1+2').
self assert: (PharoCommandLineHandler isResponsibleFor: args).
self deny: (STCommandLineHandler isResponsibleFor: args).
self assert: (EvaluateCommandLineHandler isResponsibleFor: args)

{ #category : #tests }
CommandLineHandlerTest >> testResponsibilitySt [
| args |
args := self argumentsWith: #('/foo/bar/').
self assert: (PharoCommandLineHandler isResponsibleFor: args).
self assert: (STCommandLineHandler isResponsibleFor: args).
self deny: (EvaluateCommandLineHandler isResponsibleFor: args).

args := self argumentsWith: #('st' '/foo/bar/').
self assert: (PharoCommandLineHandler isResponsibleFor: args).
self assert: (STCommandLineHandler isResponsibleFor: args).
self deny: (EvaluateCommandLineHandler isResponsibleFor: args)

{ #category : #tests }
CommandLineHandlerTest >> testSelectHandlersCodeLoader [
| args handlers |
args := self argumentsWith: #('/foo/bar/').
handlers := CommandLineHandler selectHandlersFor: args.
self assert: handlers first equals: STCommandLineHandler.

args := self argumentsWith: #('/foo/bar/' '--verbose').
handlers := CommandLineHandler selectHandlersFor: args.
self assert: handlers first equals: STCommandLineHandler
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Package { #name : #'Launchpad-GS64-Extensions-Tests' }
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The CommandLineArguments represents the arguments passed to the image.
In the following case,
$PHARO_VM myImage.image --foo bar
`CommandLineArguments default` contains {'--foo'. 'bar'}.
Class {
#name : #CommandLineArguments,
#superclass : #Object,
#instVars : [
#classInstVars : [
#category : #'Launchpad-GS64-Extensions'

{ #category : #'instance creation' }
CommandLineArguments class >> default [
^singleton ifNil: [ singleton := self new ]

{ #category : #'instance creation' }
CommandLineArguments class >> withArguments: aCollection [
^ self basicNew
initializeWithArguments: aCollection;

{ #category : #accessing }
CommandLineArguments >> allFilesWithExtension: anExtension [
^ self arguments select: [ :arg|
arg endsWith: anExtension ]

{ #category : #accessing }
CommandLineArguments >> argumentAt: index [
^ arguments at: index

{ #category : #accessing }
CommandLineArguments >> arguments [
^ arguments

{ #category : #testing }
CommandLineArguments >> commandLineArguments [
"self commandLineArguments"

| documentPath args |

args := OrderedCollection withAll: Smalltalk arguments.
documentPath := Smalltalk vm documentPath.
documentPath isEmptyOrNil
ifFalse: [ args addFirst: documentPath ].
^ args

{ #category : #copying }
CommandLineArguments >> copySubcommand [
"return a new copy of this CommandLine without the first arguments"
^ self class withArguments: arguments allButFirst

{ #category : #copying }
CommandLineArguments >> copyWithoutPassword [
^ self class withArguments: (arguments reject: [ :each | each beginsWith: '--deploymentPassword' ])

{ #category : #testing }
CommandLineArguments >> hasArguments [
^ arguments size > 0

{ #category : #testing }
CommandLineArguments >> hasFileWithExtension: aFileExtension [
"return true if the first argument has the given file extension"
^ self arguments anySatisfy: [ :arg|
arg endsWith: aFileExtension]

{ #category : #testing }
CommandLineArguments >> hasOption: aString [
| option |
option := (aString size = 1
ifTrue: [ '-']
ifFalse: [ '--']), aString.
(self arguments includes: option) ifTrue: [ ^ true ].
option := option,'='.
^ self arguments anySatisfy: [ :arg| arg beginsWith: option ]

{ #category : #testing }
CommandLineArguments >> includesSubCommand: aName [
self withFirstArgument: [ :arg|
arg = aName ifTrue: [ ^ true ]].
^ false

{ #category : #initialization }
CommandLineArguments >> initialize [

| documentPath |

arguments := OrderedCollection withAll: Smalltalk arguments.
documentPath := Smalltalk vm documentPath.
documentPath isEmptyOrNil
ifFalse: [ arguments addFirst: documentPath ]

{ #category : #initialization }
CommandLineArguments >> initializeWithArguments: aCollection [
super initialize.
arguments := aCollection

{ #category : #testing }
CommandLineArguments >> longOptionAt: aString [
^ self longOptionAt: aString ifAbsent: [
Error signal: 'Could not find long-form option: ', aString ]

{ #category : #testing }
CommandLineArguments >> longOptionAt: aString ifAbsent: absentBlock [
| optionStart |
optionStart := '--' , aString , '='.
^ self arguments
detect: [ :arg | arg beginsWith: optionStart ]
ifFound: [ :option | (option splitOn: '=') second ]
ifNone: absentBlock

{ #category : #accessing }
CommandLineArguments >> optionAt: aString [
^ self optionAt: aString ifAbsent: [
Error signal: 'Could not find option ', aString ]

{ #category : #accessing }
CommandLineArguments >> optionAt: aString ifAbsent: absentBlock [
^ (aString size = 1)
ifTrue: [ self shortOptionAt: aString ifAbsent: absentBlock ]
ifFalse: [ self longOptionAt: aString ifAbsent: absentBlock ]

{ #category : #accessing }
CommandLineArguments >> optionAt: aString ifPresent: presentBlock [
| option |

option := self optionAt: aString ifAbsent: [ ^ self ].
^ presentBlock value: option

{ #category : #accessing }
CommandLineArguments >> optionAt: aString ifPresent: presentBlock ifAbsent: absentBlock [
| option |
option := self optionAt: aString ifAbsent: [ ^ absentBlock value ].
^ presentBlock value: option

{ #category : #testing }
CommandLineArguments >> shortOptionAt: aString [
^ self shortOptionAt: aString ifAbsent: [
Error signal: 'Could not find short-form option: ', aString ]

{ #category : #testing }
CommandLineArguments >> shortOptionAt: aString ifAbsent: absentBlock [
| index |
index := (arguments indexOf: '-', aString) + 1.
^ (index <= 1 or: [ index > arguments size ])
ifFalse: [ arguments at: index ]
ifTrue: absentBlock

{ #category : #testing }
CommandLineArguments >> withFirstArgument: aBlock [
self arguments ifEmpty: [ ^ self ].
^ aBlock value: self arguments first

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