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This guide is based on MacOS, M1 chip

Get started

  1. install npm on your device
  2. clone this repo
  3. execute npm install to install dependencies of this project
  4. run the web server by this

Command line

  • ng g c <component_name> (npm generate component)
    • ask angular to generate a component, and add the component to declaration in app.module.ts

To ask a web server to serve this angular application:

1. Via ng serve
    - go to the root directory
    - execute `ng serve --open` in your terminal
    - go to the printed link from your terminal
2. Via http-server
    - execute `npm install -g http-server` in your terminal
    - execute `ng build` in your terminal
    - go to `./dist` directory
    - execute `http-server -o` in your terminal


  • anchor element: such as [title] and [routerLink] from the below code
    [title]=" + ' details'"
    • routerLink: A directive that binds the <a> element to a specific route in your Angular application. You can specify the route using a string or an array, and you can also pass additional parameters or query strings.

    • routerLinkActive: A directive that adds a CSS class to the <a> element when the corresponding route is active. This can be used to highlight the current page or section in the navigation.

    • (click): An event binding that allows you to perform a function when the <a> element is clicked. This can be used to perform custom actions or to prevent the default navigation behavior.

    • [href]: An attribute binding that allows you to dynamically set the URL for the <a> element. This can be useful when you need to generate links based on user input or other dynamic data.

    • [title]: An attribute binding that allows you to set the tooltip text for the <a> element. This can be useful for providing additional information or context about the link.


- go to karma.conf.js and set captureConsole to true like this, and we can see the output from console.log

// Karma configuration file, see link for more information //

module.exports = function (config) { config.set({ client: { captureConsole: true, }, }); };


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