The Entityform module enables you to create front-end forms (fieldable entities), which contain fields that can be defined. These forms use the standard Backdrop fields. This means that out of the box, the user can use any standard Backdrop node field.
- Entity UI
- Entity Plus
No dependency, but recommended, especially if you're using this module in combination with Rules: Entity Tokens
Note that submodule entityform_notifications requires Rules and hence also entity_token.
- Install this module using the official Backdrop CMS instructions
- Go to Structure > Entityform Types (admin/structure/entityform_types) and "Add an Entityform Type".
- Select manage fields tab and add the desired fields
- Select manage displays tab and adapt as needed
- You can now preview the form and permitted roles can submit values
Bugs and feature requests should be reported in the issue queue.
- indigoxela
- Seeking additional maintainers
Ported to Backdrop by Andy Shillingford
Original Drupal development by
- Joël Pittet (joelpittet) -
- Ted Bowman (tedbow) -
Supporting Organizations for Drupal version:
- Six Mile Tech -
- The University of British Columbia -
This project is GPL v2 software. See the LICENSE.txt file in this directory for complete text.