An Angular 2 checkable dropdown treeview component with multiple selection.
You can customize CSS yourself to break down dependencies to Bootstrap & Font Awesome.
- Unlimited tree levels
- Item can be checked / disabled by checkbox.
- Collapse / Expand
- Text filtering
- Customizable texts
After install the above dependencies, install ng2-dropdown-treeview
npm install --save ng2-dropdown-treeview
Once installed you need to import our main module in your application module:
import {DropdownTreeviewModule} from 'ng2-dropdown-treeview';
declarations: [AppComponent, ...],
imports: [DropdownTreeviewModule.forRoot(), ...],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {
Here is the example template:
is optional. This is the default configuration:
isShowAllCheckBox: true,
isShowFilter: false,
isShowCollapseExpand: false,
headerText: 'All',
allText: 'All',
noSelectText: 'Select options',
moreSelectText: ' selected'
I also support a pipe leoTreeview
to map your JSON objects to TreeItem objects.
[items]="items | leoTreeview:'textField'"
Please checkout my demo examples.
I am very appreciate for your ideas, proposals and found bugs which you can leave in github issues. Thanks in advance!