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Can automatic flashing to topjohnwu's Magisk but not English batch flies.....
You can patch the boot image and flash it without installing Magisk Manager on your phone
Relatively small storage size (compared to V1)
A working PC with system is Windows 7 and above
- Please enter the absolute path of your Payload.bin
- Now you can flash in with one click without environment variables (please don't delete the source folder!)
- Double-click the 开始.bat, select the flashing method according to the model, and then the phone can wait after turning on USB debugging and USB install in the boot state
- If there is no payload.bin, put boot into the boot directory and into the tools~
- Now can use the Rom's URL to download the boot image.(Need to support the URL search function)
- If there is an authorization window on your phone, please authorize, otherwise it will lead to failure!
- Magisk: Patch the boot's script
- 5ec1cff/Payload-dumper: Use the URL to payload-dumper to extract the boot image
- naiheSH/Payload-dumper: Windows Batch support for 5ec1cff/Payload-dumper
- Android Debug Bridge: use the Android Debug Bridge flies
- Aria2: use the aria2 to multi thead download flies
- gitmirror: provide Chinese Mainland users download speed up service
- 7zip:Unzip the lib