This is an elaborate python module that provides simple functions for manipulation metal-organic frameworks and other porous systems such as COFs and Zeolites. Some uses of the module involves
Computation of geometric properties of MOFs. It calls zeo++ in the background and enables a quick computation of all porosity information such pld, lcd, asa ...
Automated removal of unbound guest molecules
Deconstruction of metal-organic frameworks into building units. And for each buidling units (organic ligand, metal cluster, organic sbu and metal sbu) computes their cheminformatic identifiers such as SMILES strings, inchi and inchikey. It also identify the type of metal sbu and coordination number of central metal.
Wraps systems around unit cell so as to remove effect of pbc. This is often the case, when one tries to visualize the cif files or convert cif files into xyz, the system often appears to be uncoordinated
Seperation of building units into regions. This is essential when on wishes to subsitute a specific ligand or building unit.
pip install mofstructure
git clone mofstructure
cd mofstructure
pip install .
Simply run the following command on a cif file or any ase readable file format containing a MOF.
mofstructure cif_file
The script will deconstruct the MOF present in the cif file and load the output in a folder called 'MOF_building_units' in the current directory/folder. If you wish to load the output in a specific folder, simply add the path to the folder as follows:
mofstructure cif_file path_to_result_folder
For multiple cif files. Simply run a loop and all the Results will be saved in the
for cifs in ciffiles:
mofstructure cifs path_to_result
If you have a folder containg many cif files for different MOF, you could easily create a database. To create such a database, simply run the following command.
mofstructure_database ciffolder
Here the 'ciffolder' is the folder containing the cif files. The ouput will be saved in the default folder called 'MOFDb' in the current folder. Again you can choose the path to the save folder by simply listing it at the end of the command.
mofstructure_database ciffolder path_to_result
from mofstructure import structure
you can parse in a filename or an ase atom
mof_object = structure.MOFstructure(filename=cif_file)
# once and also directly parse an ASE atom object
# mof_object = structure.MOFstructure(ase_atoms)
# guest free structure
guest_free_ase_atoms = mof_object.remove_guest()
# compute porosit and write output to csv
pores = mof_object.get_porosity(probe_radius=1.86, number_of_steps=5000, rad_file=None,high_accuracy=True)
df = pd.DataFrame(pores, index=[0])
Compute sbus and linkers
metal_sbus, organic_sbus = mof_object.get_sbu(wrap_system=True, cheminfo=True, add_dummy=False)
organic_ligands = mof_object.get_ligands(wrap_system=True, cheminfo=True, add_dummy=False)
openbabel is called to compute all chemifomatic information, which are all stored on the metal_sbus and organic_sbus list that contains all the unique instances of the metal sbus and organic sbus.
For each instance in a building unit the various chemiformatic informations are as follows.
for i, sbu in enumerate(metal_sbus):
smi =['smi']
inchi =['inchi']
inchikey =['inchikey']
# for sbus only
number_of_point_of_extension =['point_of_extension']
#for metal sbus only
sbu_type =['sbu_type'] # sbu_type :rodlike, irmof, uoi66, paddlewheel e.t.c
# write
oms = mof_object.get_oms()
You can access the full project documentation on docs
In the future the code should be able to:
- Compute rcsr topological code
- Subsitutue building units in a MOF to enable framework functionalisation
- Automatic curation of cifs
- Decontsruction of COFs into their building units