is a CLI tool for making Python Component development for Keboola Connection faster and easier.
PYPI project : https://pypi.org/project/kcf-tools/
It provides the following functionality;
- Generating Configuration Schemas for the UI of Keboola Components
- Generating ReadMe files for Keboola Components
- Generating documentation for Keboola Components for help.keboola.com
- Generating key definitions for parameters of Keboola Components
- Generating a client skeleton for Keboola Components
The package may be installed via PIP:
pip install kcf-tools
The CLI provides multiple subcommands for various tasks for information on all subcommands run:
kcf-tools -h
The generate subcommand is used for generating various files for you component. To list all possible generate commands run:
kcf-tools generate -h
The readme generator uses the component config to generate a readme file. The readme file is then saved in generated/readme directory. To generate a readme run:
kcf-tools generate readme
If you want to write directly to your component ReadMe then add the tag -w
kcf-tools generate readme -w
The doc generator uses the component config to generate an index.md in the necessary directory. The documentation files are then saved in generated directory. To generate a docs run:
kcf-tools generate docs
The Config Schema Generator will take the parameters in the config.json and create a config schema and config row schema based on some questions answered with the cli tool. The config schemas are saved to a "generated/config_schemas" directory. To generate your config schemas run :
kcf-tools generate config_schema
If you want to write directly to your component "component_config" directory then add the tag -w
kcf-tools generate config_schema -w
The Key Definition Generator will use the config.json file to generate all key definitions. These will then be printed to the command line. To generate your key definitions run :
kcf-tools generate key_definitions
The Client Generator will generate a skeleton for your component client with the Keboola Http-Client library. The Client will be saved to the "generated/client" directory. To generate a client run:
kcf-tools generate client
If you want to write directly to your component src directory then add the tag -w
kcf-tools generate client -w