The B*B
(B-star-B or BxB
) simulation splits the "kicked" bunch into
individual "macro-particles" with weights, and traces them in the
accelerator. Every macro-particle propagates between the interaction points
(IPs) according to the specified betatron phase advances. At every IP it is
influenced by the electromagnetic interaction with the opposite "kicker"
bunch. The original shape of each bunch can be specified as an arbitrary
weighted sum of Gaussians with common mean, round or elliptical in X-Y
projection. The number of IPs is also arbitrary. In the end of the simulation
the modifications of the bunch overlap integrals (ie. of the luminosities) due
to beam-beam are reported.
The main function is called beam_beam
. There are 5 ways to call it.
See the corresponding R package which contains the same code callable from R.
One needs to compile a shared library
The example of the python program with explanations is given in
. cpython
is used to call C from python.
Please, include "bb.hh" header (which in turn includes
"bb_C_CPP.h" with common C and C++ declarations). It contains definitions of
, Kickers
and Sim
structures for the kicked bunch, kickers and the
simulation parameters, respectively. They should be filled before calling the
main function beam_beam(kicked, kickers, sim, &summary, quiet)
. The output
is a matrix vector<vector<BB_Summary_Per_Step_IP> > summary
, with
containing the simulation results. The library
created by make
and containing C++ beam_beam()
function should
be included (as -lBxB
) when making a C++ executable.
Please, include "bb_C.h" header (which in turn includes "bb_C_CPP.h" with common C and C++
declarations). The C Kicked_C
, Kickers_C
and Sim_C
input structures are similar to
the corresponding C++ versions and are descibed in "bb_C.h". The output
"BB_Summary_Per_Step_IP" structure is identical in C and C++. The main C function is also
called beam_beam()
(but is different from its C++ counterpart). It is contained in the same
which should be included (as -lBxB
) when making a C executable.
The standalone C++ program beam_beam
from beam_beam.cpp
runs the simulation with
the input parameters from the Config
) file given as a first argument.
To build:
make beam_beam
One example of the configuration is given in BxB_example.txt
with the explanation of
all parameters and the simulation in general.
In all 4 cases the same C++ function beam_beam()
from bb.cpp
is called
internally. The input and output data corresponding to the Kicked
, Sim
and the matrix of BB_Summary_Per_Step_IP
respectively, are also the same.
In addition to BB_Summary_Per_Step_IP
matrix, the simulation can print more
detailed information in separate files in the output_dir
specified in Sim
. What is printed is controlled by another parameter output
which is a white-space separated list of available options.
To start working with the simulation, one needs
git clone
make <desired target>
and run the program for the appropriately modified set of
input parameters. Their full description can be found in
or in bb_C.h
. Alternatively, one can install R package from and type in R:
This code stored in a separate model_validation
directory, was used to validate B*B
model for
various kick models and to compare the results with the simulation used at LHC before, in 2012-2018. See
for the details.