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Ballerina Azure Service Bus Connector

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Connects to Microsoft Azure Service Bus using Ballerina.


What is Azure Service Bus?

The Azure Service Bus is a reliable cloud messaging as a service (Maas) and simple hybrid integration. It is an enterprise message broker with message queues and topics with publisher/subscriber capabilities. It is used to decouple applications and services from each other. Data is transferred between different applications and services using messages. You can find more information here.

The primary wire protocol for Service Bus is Advanced Messaging Queueing Protocol (AMQP) 1.0, an open ISO/IEC standard and it can be used from any AMQP 1.0 compliant protocol client. Service Bus supports standard AMQP 1.0 and HTTP or REST protocols and their respective security facilities, including transport-level security (TLS). Clients can be authorized for access using Shared Access Signature or Azure Active Directory role-based security.

Azure Service Bus Concepts

  1. Namespaces. A namespace is a container for all messaging components. We can have multiple queues and topics in a namespace. The namespaces serve as application containers. In terms of terminology of other brokers, a namespace can be compared to a "server", but the concepts aren't the same.

  2. Queues. Messages are sent to and received from queues. The messages are stored in queues until the receiving application is available to receive and process them. Messages are ordered and time stamped on arrival in queues. Messages are delivered in pull mode where messages are delivered only when requested. image

  3. Topics. Topics are used to send and receive messages in publisher/subscriber models. Topics can have multiple, independent subscriptions that are like queues, which attach to the topic from the receiver side. While a queue is often used for point-to-point communication, topics are used in publish/subscribe scenarios. A subscriber to a topic can receive a copy of each message sent to that topic. You can define rules on a subscription. A subscription rule has a filter to define a condition for the message to be copied into the subscription and an optional action that can modify message metadata. image

Key Features of Azure Service Bus

  • Load-balancing work across competing workers
  • Safely routing and transferring data and control across service and application boundaries
  • Coordinating transactional work that requires a high-degree of reliability

Connector Overview

The Azure Service Bus Ballerina Connector is used to connect to the Azure Service Bus to send and receive messages. You can perform actions such as send to queue, send to topic, receive from queue, receive from subscription, etc.


Azure Service Bus' primary protocol is AMQP 1.0 and it can be used from any AMQP 1.0 compliant protocol client. This connector makes use of an AMQP 1.0 compliant protocol client for interoperability.

Service Bus provides a Microsoft supported native API and this connector makes use of this public API. Service Bus service APIs access the Service Bus service directly, and perform various management operations at the entity level, rather than at the namespace level (such as sending a message to a queue). This connector supports these basic operations. These APIs use Shared Access Signature(SAS) authentication and this connector supports SAS authentication.



Instantiate the connector by giving authorization credentials that a client application can use to send/receive messages to/from the queue/topic/subscription.

Getting the authorization credentials

For Service Bus Queues

  1. Make sure you have an Azure subscription. If you don't have an Azure subscription, you can create a free account before you begin.

  2. Create a namespace in the Azure portal

  3. Get the connection string

  4. Create a queue in the Azure portal & get Entity Path. It is in the format ‘queueName’.

For Service Bus Topics and Subscriptions

  1. Make sure you have an Azure subscription. If you don't have an Azure subscription, you can create a free account before you begin.

  2. Create a namespace in the Azure portal

  3. Get the connection string

  4. Create a topic in the Azure portal & get Entity Path. It's in the format ‘topicName‘.

  5. Create a subscription in the Azure portal & get Entity Path. It’s in the format ‘topicName/subscriptions/subscriptionName’.

Supported Versions & Limitations

Supported Versions

Ballerina Language Swan-Lake-Beta3
Service Bus API v3.5.1


Send and Receive Messages from the Azure Service Bus Queue

This is the simplest scenario to send and receive messages from an Azure Service Bus queue. You need to obtain a connection string of the name space and an entity path name of the queue you want to send and receive messages from. You must have the following prerequisites in order to obtain these configurations.

  • An Azure account and subscription. If you don't have an Azure subscription, sign up for a free Azure account.

  • A Service Bus namespace. If you don't have a service bus namespace, learn how to create your Service Bus namespace.

  • Connection String. Get the connection string from the service bus namespace you created.

  • Entity Path. A messaging entity, in this case a queue. If you don't have these items, learn how to Create a queue in the Azure portal and get the name of the queue you created. The Entity path is in the format ‘queueName’. (Note: The Entity path is in the format ‘topicName‘ for a topic and ‘topicName/subscriptions/subscriptionName’ for a subscription.)

Step 1: Import the Azure Service Bus Ballerina Library

First, import the ballerinax/asb module into the Ballerina project.

    import ballerinax/asb as asb;

Step 2: Initialize the Azure Service Bus Client Configuration

You can now make the connection configuration using the connection string.

    asb:AsbConnectionConfiguration config = {
       connectionString: <CONNECTION_STRING>

Step 3: Create an Azure Service Bus Client using the connection configuration

You can now make an Azure service bus client using the connection configuration.

    asb:AsbClient asbClient = new (config);

Step 4: Create a Queue Sender using the Azure service bus client

You can now make a sender connection using the Azure service bus client. Provide the queueName as a parameter.

    handle queueSender = checkpanic asbClient->createQueueSender(queueName);

Step 5 : Create a Queue Receiver using the Azure service bus client

You can now make a receiver connection using the connection configuration. Provide the queueName as a parameter. Optionally you can provide the receive mode which is PEEKLOCK by default.

    handle queueReceiver = checkpanic asbClient->createQueueReceiver(queueName, asb:RECEIVEANDDELETE);

Step 6: Initialize the Input Values

Initialize the message to be sent with message body, optional parameters and properties.

    // Input values
    string stringContent = "This is My Message Body"; 
    byte[] byteContent = stringContent.toBytes();
    map<string> properties = {a: "propertyValue1", b: "propertyValue2"};
    int timeToLive = 60; // In seconds
    int serverWaitTime = 60; // In seconds

    asb:ApplicationProperties applicationProperties = {
        properties: {a: "propertyValue1", b: "propertyValue2"}

    asb:Message message1 = {
        body: byteContent,
        contentType: asb:TEXT,
        timeToLive: timeToLive,
        applicationProperties: applicationProperties

Step 7: Send a Message to Azure Service Bus

You can now send a message to the configured azure service bus entity with message body, optional parameters and properties. Here we have shown how to send a text message parsed to the byte array format.

    checkpanic asbClient->send(queueSender, message1);

Step 8: Receive a Message from Azure Service Bus

You can now receive a message from the configured azure service bus entity.

    asb:Message|asb:Error? messageReceived = asbClient->receive(queueReceiver, serverWaitTime);

    if (messageReceived is asb:Message) {
        log:printInfo("Reading Received Message : " + messageReceived.toString());
    } else if (messageReceived is ()) {
        log:printError("No message in the queue.");
    } else {
        log:printError("Receiving message via Asb receiver connection failed.");

Step 9: Close Sender Connection

You can now close the sender connection.

    checkpanic asbClient->closeSender(queueSender);

Step 10: Close Receiver Connection

You can now close the receiver connection.

    checkpanic asbClient->closeReceiver(queueReceiver);

Send and Listen to Messages from the Azure Service Bus Queue

This is the simplest scenario to listen to messages from an Azure Service Bus queue. You need to obtain a connection string of the name space and an entity path name of the queue you want to listen messages from. You must have the following prerequisites in order to obtain these configurations.

  • An Azure account and subscription. If you don't have an Azure subscription, sign up for a free Azure account.

  • A Service Bus namespace. If you don't have a service bus namespace, learn how to create your Service Bus namespace.

  • Connection String. Get the connection string from the service bus namespace you created.

  • Entity Path. A messaging entity, in this case a queue. If you don't have these items, learn how to Create a queue in the Azure portal and get the name of the queue you created. The Entity path is in the format ‘queueName’. (Note: The Entity path is in the format ‘topicName‘ for a topic and ‘topicName/subscriptions/subscriptionName’ for a subscription.)

Step 1: Import the Azure Service Bus Ballerina Library

First, import the ballerinax/asb module into the Ballerina project.

    import ballerinax/asb as asb;

Step 2: Initialize the Azure Service Bus Client Configuration

You can now make the connection configuration using the connection string.

    asb:ConnectionConfiguration config = {
       connectionString: <CONNECTION_STRING>

Step 3: Create an Azure Service Bus Client using the connection configuration

You can now make an Azure service bus client using the connection configuration.

    asb:AsbClient asbClient = new (config);

Step 4: Create a Queue Sender using the Azure service bus client

You can now make a sender connection using the Azure service bus client. Provide the queueName as a parameter.

    handle queueSender = checkpanic asbClient->createQueueSender(queueName);

Step 5: Initialize the Input Values

Initialize the message to be sent with message body, optional parameters and properties.

    // Input values
    string stringContent = "This is My Message Body"; 
    byte[] byteContent = stringContent.toBytes();
    map<string> properties = {a: "propertyValue1", b: "propertyValue2"};
    int timeToLive = 60; // In seconds
    int serverWaitTime = 60; // In seconds

    asb:ApplicationProperties applicationProperties = {
        properties: {a: "propertyValue1", b: "propertyValue2"}

    asb:Message message1 = {
        body: byteContent,
        contentType: asb:TEXT,
        timeToLive: timeToLive,
        applicationProperties: applicationProperties

Step 6: Send a Message to Azure Service Bus

You can now send a message to the configured azure service bus entity with message body, optional parameters and properties. Here we have shown how to send a text message parsed to the byte array format.

    checkpanic asbClient->send(queueSender, message1);

Step 7: Create a service object with the service configuration and the service logic to execute based on the message received

You can now create a service object with the service configuration specified using the @asb:ServiceConfig annotation. We need to give the connection string and the entity path of the queue we are to listen messages from. We can optionally provide the receive mode. Default mode is the PEEKLOCK mode. Then we can give the service logic to execute when a message is received inside the onMessage remote function.

    asb:Service asyncTestService =
    @asb:ServiceConfig {
        entityConfig: {
            connectionString: <CONNECTION_STRING>,
            entityPath: <ENTITY_PATH>,
            receiveMode: <PEEKLOCK_OR_RECEIVEONDELETE>
    service object {
        remote function onMessage(asb:Message message) {
            log:printInfo("The message received: " + message.toString());
            // Write your logic here

Step 8: Initialize the ASB Listener and Asynchronously listen to messages from the Azure Service Bus Queue

You can now initialize the ASB Listener and attach the service object with the listener. Then the user can start the listener and asynchronously listen to messages from the azure service bus connection and execute the service logic based on the message received. Here we have sent the current worker to sleep for 20 seconds. You can detach the service from the listener endpoint at any instance and stop listening to messages. You can gracefully stop listening by detaching from the listener and by terminating the connection. You can also immediately stop listening by terminating the connection with the Azure Service Bus.

    asb:Listener? channelListener = new();
    if (channelListener is asb:Listener) {
        checkpanic channelListener.attach(asyncTestService);
        checkpanic channelListener.'start();
        log:printInfo("start listening");
        log:printInfo("end listening");
        checkpanic channelListener.detach(asyncTestService);
        checkpanic channelListener.gracefulStop();
        checkpanic channelListener.immediateStop();

Step 9: Close Sender Connection

You can now close the sender connection.

    checkpanic asbClient->closeSender(queueSender);


  1. Send and Receive Message from Queue

This is the basic scenario of sending and receiving a message from a queue. A user must create a sender connection and a receiver connection with the azure service bus to send and receive a message. The message is passed as a parameter to the send operation. The user can receive the Message object at the other receiver end.

Sample is available at:

import ballerina/log;
import ballerinax/asb;

// Connection Configurations
configurable string connectionString = ?;
configurable string queueName = ?;

public function main() {

    // Input values
    string stringContent = "This is My Message Body"; 
    byte[] byteContent = stringContent.toBytes();
    map<string> properties = {a: "propertyValue1", b: "propertyValue2"};
    int timeToLive = 60; // In seconds
    int serverWaitTime = 60; // In seconds

    asb:ApplicationProperties applicationProperties = {
        properties: {a: "propertyValue1", b: "propertyValue2"}

    asb:Message message1 = {
        body: byteContent,
        contentType: asb:TEXT,
        timeToLive: timeToLive,
        applicationProperties: applicationProperties

    asb:AsbConnectionConfiguration config = {
        connectionString: connectionString

    asb:AsbClient asbClient = new (config);

    log:printInfo("Creating Asb sender connection.");
    handle queueSender = checkpanic asbClient->createQueueSender(queueName);

    log:printInfo("Creating Asb receiver connection.");
    handle queueReceiver = checkpanic asbClient->createQueueReceiver(queueName, asb:RECEIVEANDDELETE);

    log:printInfo("Sending via Asb sender connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->send(queueSender, message1);

    log:printInfo("Receiving from Asb receiver connection.");
    asb:Message|asb:Error? messageReceived = asbClient->receive(queueReceiver, serverWaitTime);

    if (messageReceived is asb:Message) {
        log:printInfo("Reading Received Message : " + messageReceived.toString());
    } else if (messageReceived is ()) {
        log:printError("No message in the queue.");
    } else {
        log:printError("Receiving message via Asb receiver connection failed.");

    log:printInfo("Closing Asb sender connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->closeSender(queueSender);

    log:printInfo("Closing Asb receiver connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->closeReceiver(queueReceiver);
  1. Send and Receive Batch from Queue

This is the basic scenario of sending and receiving a batch of messages from a queue. A user must create a sender connection and a receiver connection with the azure service bus to send and receive a message. The batch message is passed as a parameter to the send operation. The user can receive the batch message at the other receiver end.

Sample is available at:

import ballerina/log;
import ballerinax/asb;

// Connection Configurations
configurable string connectionString = ?;
configurable string topicName = ?;
configurable string subscriptionName1 = ?;

public function main() {

    // Input values
    string stringContent = "This is My Message Body"; 
    byte[] byteContent = stringContent.toBytes();
    map<string> properties = {a: "propertyValue1", b: "propertyValue2"};
    int timeToLive = 60; // In seconds
    int serverWaitTime = 60; // In seconds
    int maxMessageCount = 2;

    asb:ApplicationProperties applicationProperties = {
        properties: properties

    asb:Message message1 = {
        body: byteContent,
        contentType: asb:TEXT,
        timeToLive: timeToLive

    asb:Message message2 = {
        body: byteContent,
        contentType: asb:TEXT,
        timeToLive: timeToLive

    asb:MessageBatch messages = {
        messageCount: 2,
        messages: [message1, message2]

    asb:AsbConnectionConfiguration config = {
        connectionString: connectionString

    asb:AsbClient asbClient = new (config);

    log:printInfo("Creating Asb sender connection.");
    handle topicSender = checkpanic asbClient->createTopicSender(topicName);

    log:printInfo("Creating Asb receiver connection.");
    handle subscriptionReceiver = 
        checkpanic asbClient->createSubscriptionReceiver(topicName, subscriptionName1, asb:RECEIVEANDDELETE);

    log:printInfo("Sending via Asb sender connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->sendBatch(topicSender, messages);

    log:printInfo("Receiving from Asb receiver connection.");
    asb:MessageBatch|asb:Error? messageReceived = 
        asbClient->receiveBatch(subscriptionReceiver, maxMessageCount, serverWaitTime);

    if (messageReceived is asb:MessageBatch) {
        foreach asb:Message message in messageReceived.messages {
            if (message.toString() != "") {
                log:printInfo("Reading Received Message : " + message.toString());
    } else if (messageReceived is ()) {
        log:printError("No message in the subscription.");
    } else {
        log:printError("Receiving message via Asb receiver connection failed.");

    log:printInfo("Closing Asb sender connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->closeSender(topicSender);

    log:printInfo("Closing Asb receiver connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->closeReceiver(subscriptionReceiver);
  1. Send to Topic and Receive from Subscription

This is the basic scenario of sending a message to a topic and receiving a message from a subscription. A user must create a sender connection and a receiver connection with the azure service bus to send and receive a message. The message is passed as a parameter to the send operation. The user can receive the Message at the other receiver end.

Sample is available at:

import ballerina/log;
import ballerinax/asb;

// Connection Configurations
configurable string connectionString = ?;
configurable string topicName = ?;
configurable string subscriptionName1 = ?;

public function main() {

    // Input values
    string stringContent = "This is My Message Body"; 
    byte[] byteContent = stringContent.toBytes();
    map<string> properties = {a: "propertyValue1", b: "propertyValue2"};
    int timeToLive = 60; // In seconds
    int serverWaitTime = 60; // In seconds

    asb:ApplicationProperties applicationProperties = {
        properties: {a: "propertyValue1", b: "propertyValue2"}

    asb:Message message1 = {
        body: byteContent,
        contentType: asb:TEXT,
        timeToLive: timeToLive,
        applicationProperties: applicationProperties

    asb:AsbConnectionConfiguration config = {
        connectionString: connectionString

    asb:AsbClient asbClient = new (config);

    log:printInfo("Creating Asb sender connection.");
    handle topicSender = checkpanic asbClient->createTopicSender(topicName);

    log:printInfo("Creating Asb receiver connection.");
    handle subscriptionReceiver = 
        checkpanic asbClient->createSubscriptionReceiver(topicName, subscriptionName1, asb:RECEIVEANDDELETE);

    log:printInfo("Sending via Asb sender connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->send(topicSender, message1);

    log:printInfo("Receiving from Asb receiver connection.");
    asb:Message|asb:Error? messageReceived = asbClient->receive(subscriptionReceiver, serverWaitTime);

    if (messageReceived is asb:Message) {
        log:printInfo("Reading Received Message : " + messageReceived.toString());
    } else if (messageReceived is ()) {
        log:printError("No message in the subscription.");
    } else {
        log:printError("Receiving message via Asb receiver connection failed.");

    log:printInfo("Closing Asb sender connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->closeSender(topicSender);

    log:printInfo("Closing Asb receiver connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->closeReceiver(subscriptionReceiver);
  1. Send Batch to Topic and Receive from Subscription

This is the basic scenario of sending a batch of messages to a topic and receiving a batch of messages from a subscription. A user must create a sender connection and a receiver connection with the azure service bus to send and receive a message. The batch message is passed as a parameter with optional parameters and properties to the send operation. The user can receive the batch message at the other receiver end.

Sample is available at:

import ballerina/log;
import ballerinax/asb;

// Connection Configurations
configurable string connectionString = ?;
configurable string topicName = ?;
configurable string subscriptionName1 = ?;

public function main() {

    // Input values
    string stringContent = "This is My Message Body"; 
    byte[] byteContent = stringContent.toBytes();
    map<string> properties = {a: "propertyValue1", b: "propertyValue2"};
    int timeToLive = 60; // In seconds
    int serverWaitTime = 60; // In seconds
    int maxMessageCount = 2;

    asb:ApplicationProperties applicationProperties = {
        properties: properties

    asb:Message message1 = {
        body: byteContent,
        contentType: asb:TEXT,
        timeToLive: timeToLive

    asb:Message message2 = {
        body: byteContent,
        contentType: asb:TEXT,
        timeToLive: timeToLive

    asb:MessageBatch messages = {
        messageCount: 2,
        messages: [message1, message2]

    asb:AsbConnectionConfiguration config = {
        connectionString: connectionString

    asb:AsbClient asbClient = new (config);

    log:printInfo("Creating Asb sender connection.");
    handle topicSender = checkpanic asbClient->createTopicSender(topicName);

    log:printInfo("Creating Asb receiver connection.");
    handle subscriptionReceiver = 
        checkpanic asbClient->createSubscriptionReceiver(topicName, subscriptionName1, asb:RECEIVEANDDELETE);

    log:printInfo("Sending via Asb sender connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->sendBatch(topicSender, messages);

    log:printInfo("Receiving from Asb receiver connection.");
    asb:MessageBatch|asb:Error? messageReceived = 
        asbClient->receiveBatch(subscriptionReceiver, maxMessageCount, serverWaitTime);

    if (messageReceived is asb:MessageBatch) {
        foreach asb:Message message in messageReceived.messages {
            if (message.toString() != "") {
                log:printInfo("Reading Received Message : " + message.toString());
    } else if (messageReceived is ()) {
        log:printError("No message in the subscription.");
    } else {
        log:printError("Receiving message via Asb receiver connection failed.");

    log:printInfo("Closing Asb sender connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->closeSender(topicSender);

    log:printInfo("Closing Asb receiver connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->closeReceiver(subscriptionReceiver);
  1. Complete Message from Queue

This is the basic scenario of sending and completing a message from a queue. A user must create a sender connection and a receiver connection with the azure service bus to send and receive a message. The message is passed as a parameter with optional parameters and properties to the send operation. The user can complete a message from the queue.

Sample is available at:

import ballerina/log;
import ballerinax/asb;

// Connection Configurations
configurable string connectionString = ?;
configurable string queueName = ?;

public function main() {

    // Input values
    string stringContent = "This is My Message Body"; 
    byte[] byteContent = stringContent.toBytes();
    map<string> properties = {a: "propertyValue1", b: "propertyValue2"};
    int timeToLive = 60; // In seconds
    int serverWaitTime = 60; // In seconds

    asb:ApplicationProperties applicationProperties = {
        properties: {a: "propertyValue1", b: "propertyValue2"}

    asb:Message message1 = {
        body: byteContent,
        contentType: asb:TEXT,
        timeToLive: timeToLive,
        applicationProperties: applicationProperties

    asb:AsbConnectionConfiguration config = {
        connectionString: connectionString

    asb:AsbClient asbClient = new (config);

    log:printInfo("Creating Asb sender connection.");
    handle queueSender = checkpanic asbClient->createQueueSender(queueName);

    log:printInfo("Creating Asb receiver connection.");
    handle queueReceiver = checkpanic asbClient->createQueueReceiver(queueName, asb:PEEKLOCK);

    log:printInfo("Sending via Asb sender connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->send(queueSender, message1);

    log:printInfo("Receiving from Asb receiver connection.");
    asb:Message|asb:Error? messageReceived = asbClient->receive(queueReceiver, serverWaitTime);

    if (messageReceived is asb:Message) {
        checkpanic asbClient->complete(queueReceiver, messageReceived);
        log:printInfo("Complete message successful");
    } else if (messageReceived is ()) {
        log:printError("No message in the queue.");
    } else {
        log:printError("Receiving message via Asb receiver connection failed.");

    log:printInfo("Closing Asb sender connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->closeSender(queueSender);

    log:printInfo("Closing Asb receiver connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->closeReceiver(queueReceiver);
  1. Complete Message from Subscription

This is the basic scenario of sending and completing a message from a subscription. A user must create a sender connection and a receiver connection with the azure service bus to send and receive a message. The message is passed as a parameter with optional parameters and properties to the send operation. The user can complete a messages from the subscription.

Sample is available at:

import ballerina/log;
import ballerinax/asb;

// Connection Configurations
configurable string connectionString = ?;
configurable string topicName = ?;
configurable string subscriptionName1 = ?;

public function main() {

    // Input values
    string stringContent = "This is My Message Body"; 
    byte[] byteContent = stringContent.toBytes();
    map<string> properties = {a: "propertyValue1", b: "propertyValue2"};
    int timeToLive = 60; // In seconds
    int serverWaitTime = 60; // In seconds

    asb:ApplicationProperties applicationProperties = {
        properties: {a: "propertyValue1", b: "propertyValue2"}

    asb:Message message1 = {
        body: byteContent,
        contentType: asb:TEXT,
        timeToLive: timeToLive,
        applicationProperties: applicationProperties

    asb:AsbConnectionConfiguration config = {
        connectionString: connectionString

    asb:AsbClient asbClient = new (config);

    log:printInfo("Creating Asb sender connection.");
    handle topicSender = checkpanic asbClient->createTopicSender(topicName);

    log:printInfo("Creating Asb receiver connection.");
    handle subscriptionReceiver = 
        checkpanic asbClient->createSubscriptionReceiver(topicName, subscriptionName1, asb:PEEKLOCK);

    log:printInfo("Sending via Asb sender connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->send(topicSender, message1);

    log:printInfo("Receiving from Asb receiver connection.");
    asb:Message|asb:Error? messageReceived = asbClient->receive(subscriptionReceiver, serverWaitTime);

    if (messageReceived is asb:Message) {
        checkpanic asbClient->complete(subscriptionReceiver, messageReceived);
        log:printInfo("Complete message successful");
    } else if (messageReceived is ()) {
        log:printError("No message in the subscription.");
    } else {
        log:printError("Receiving message via Asb receiver connection failed.");

    log:printInfo("Closing Asb sender connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->closeSender(topicSender);

    log:printInfo("Closing Asb receiver connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->closeReceiver(subscriptionReceiver);
  1. Abandon Message from Queue

This is the basic scenario of sending and abandoning a message from a queue. A user must create a sender connection and a receiver connection with the azure service bus to send and receive a message. The message is passed as a parameter with optional parameters and properties to the send operation. The user can abandon a single Messages & make available again for processing from Queue.

Sample is available at:

import ballerina/log;
import ballerinax/asb;

// Connection Configurations
configurable string connectionString = ?;
configurable string queueName = ?;

public function main() {

    // Input values
    string stringContent = "This is My Message Body"; 
    byte[] byteContent = stringContent.toBytes();
    map<string> properties = {a: "propertyValue1", b: "propertyValue2"};
    int timeToLive = 60; // In seconds
    int serverWaitTime = 60; // In seconds

    asb:ApplicationProperties applicationProperties = {
        properties: {a: "propertyValue1", b: "propertyValue2"}

    asb:Message message1 = {
        body: byteContent,
        contentType: asb:TEXT,
        timeToLive: timeToLive,
        applicationProperties: applicationProperties

    asb:AsbConnectionConfiguration config = {
        connectionString: connectionString

    asb:AsbClient asbClient = new (config);

    log:printInfo("Creating Asb sender connection.");
    handle queueSender = checkpanic asbClient->createQueueSender(queueName);

    log:printInfo("Creating Asb receiver connection.");
    handle queueReceiver = checkpanic asbClient->createQueueReceiver(queueName, asb:PEEKLOCK);

    log:printInfo("Sending via Asb sender connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->send(queueSender, message1);

    log:printInfo("Receiving from Asb receiver connection.");
    asb:Message|asb:Error? messageReceived = asbClient->receive(queueReceiver, serverWaitTime);

    if (messageReceived is asb:Message) {
        checkpanic asbClient->abandon(queueReceiver, messageReceived);
        asb:Message|asb:Error? messageReceivedAgain = asbClient->receive(queueReceiver, serverWaitTime);
        if (messageReceivedAgain is asb:Message) {
            checkpanic asbClient->complete(queueReceiver, messageReceivedAgain);
            log:printInfo("Abandon message successful");
        } else {
            log:printError("Abandon message not succesful.");
    } else if (messageReceived is ()) {
        log:printError("No message in the queue.");
    } else {
        log:printError("Receiving message via Asb receiver connection failed.");

    log:printInfo("Closing Asb sender connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->closeSender(queueSender);

    log:printInfo("Closing Asb receiver connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->closeReceiver(queueReceiver);
  1. Abandon Message from Subscription

This is the basic scenario of sending and abandoning a message from a subscription. A user must create a sender connection and a receiver connection with the azure service bus to send and receive a message. The message is passed as a parameter with optional parameters and properties to the send operation. The user can abandon a single Messages & make available again for processing from subscription.

Sample is available at:

import ballerina/log;
import ballerinax/asb;

// Connection Configurations
configurable string connectionString = ?;
configurable string topicName = ?;
configurable string subscriptionName1 = ?;

public function main() {

    // Input values
    string stringContent = "This is My Message Body"; 
    byte[] byteContent = stringContent.toBytes();
    map<string> properties = {a: "propertyValue1", b: "propertyValue2"};
    int timeToLive = 60; // In seconds
    int serverWaitTime = 60; // In seconds

    asb:ApplicationProperties applicationProperties = {
        properties: {a: "propertyValue1", b: "propertyValue2"}

    asb:Message message1 = {
        body: byteContent,
        contentType: asb:TEXT,
        timeToLive: timeToLive,
        applicationProperties: applicationProperties

    asb:AsbConnectionConfiguration config = {
        connectionString: connectionString

    asb:AsbClient asbClient = new (config);

    log:printInfo("Creating Asb sender connection.");
    handle topicSender = checkpanic asbClient->createTopicSender(topicName);

    log:printInfo("Creating Asb receiver connection.");
    handle subscriptionReceiver = 
        checkpanic asbClient->createSubscriptionReceiver(topicName, subscriptionName1, asb:PEEKLOCK);

    log:printInfo("Sending via Asb sender connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->send(topicSender, message1);

    log:printInfo("Receiving from Asb receiver connection.");
    asb:Message|asb:Error? messageReceived = asbClient->receive(subscriptionReceiver, serverWaitTime);

    if (messageReceived is asb:Message) {
        checkpanic asbClient->abandon(subscriptionReceiver, messageReceived);
        asb:Message|asb:Error? messageReceivedAgain = asbClient->receive(subscriptionReceiver, serverWaitTime);
        if (messageReceivedAgain is asb:Message) {
            checkpanic asbClient->complete(subscriptionReceiver, messageReceivedAgain);
            log:printInfo("Abandon message successful");
        } else {
            log:printError("Abandon message not succesful.");
    } else if (messageReceived is ()) {
        log:printError("No message in the subscription.");
    } else {
        log:printError("Receiving message via Asb receiver connection failed.");

    log:printInfo("Closing Asb sender connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->closeSender(topicSender);

    log:printInfo("Closing Asb receiver connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->closeReceiver(subscriptionReceiver);
  1. Asynchronous Consumer

This is the basic scenario of sending and listening to messages from a queue. A user must create a sender connection and a receiver connection with the azure service bus to send and receive a message. The message body is passed as a parameter in byte array format with optional parameters and properties to the send operation. The user can asynchronously listen to messages from the azure service bus connection and execute the service logic based on the message received.

Sample is available at:

import ballerina/log;
import ballerina/lang.runtime;
import ballerinax/asb;

// Connection Configurations
configurable string connectionString = ?;
configurable string queueName = ?;

public function main() {

    // Input values
    string stringContent = "This is My Message Body"; 
    byte[] byteContent = stringContent.toBytes();
    map<string> properties = {a: "propertyValue1", b: "propertyValue2"};
    int timeToLive = 60; // In seconds

    asb:ApplicationProperties applicationProperties = {
        properties: {a: "propertyValue1", b: "propertyValue2"}

    asb:Message message1 = {
        body: byteContent,
        contentType: asb:TEXT,
        timeToLive: timeToLive,
        applicationProperties: applicationProperties

    asb:AsbConnectionConfiguration config = {
        connectionString: connectionString

    asb:AsbClient asbClient = new (config);

    log:printInfo("Creating Asb sender connection.");
    handle queueSender = checkpanic asbClient->createQueueSender(queueName);

    log:printInfo("Sending via Asb sender connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->send(queueSender, message1);

    asb:Service asyncTestService =
    @asb:ServiceConfig {
        entityConfig: {
            connectionString: connectionString,
            entityPath: queueName
    service object {
        remote function onMessage(asb:Message message) {
            log:printInfo("The message received: " + message.toString());
            // Write your logic here

    asb:Listener? channelListener = new();
    if (channelListener is asb:Listener) {
        checkpanic channelListener.attach(asyncTestService);
        checkpanic channelListener.'start();
        log:printInfo("start listening");
        log:printInfo("end listening");
        checkpanic channelListener.detach(asyncTestService);
        checkpanic channelListener.gracefulStop();
        checkpanic channelListener.immediateStop();

    log:printInfo("Closing Asb sender connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->closeSender(queueSender);
  1. Deadletter from Queue

This is the basic scenario of sending and dead lettering a message from a queue. A user must create a sender connection and a receiver connection with the azure service bus to send and receive a message. The message is passed as a parameter with optional parameters and properties to the send operation. The user can abandon a single Message & moves the message to the Dead-Letter Queue.

Sample is available at:

import ballerina/log;
import ballerinax/asb;

// Connection Configurations
configurable string connectionString = ?;
configurable string queueName = ?;

public function main() {

    // Input values
    string stringContent = "This is My Message Body"; 
    byte[] byteContent = stringContent.toBytes();
    map<string> properties = {a: "propertyValue1", b: "propertyValue2"};
    int timeToLive = 60; // In seconds
    int serverWaitTime = 60; // In seconds

    asb:ApplicationProperties applicationProperties = {
        properties: {a: "propertyValue1", b: "propertyValue2"}

    asb:Message message1 = {
        body: byteContent,
        contentType: asb:TEXT,
        timeToLive: timeToLive,
        applicationProperties: applicationProperties

    asb:AsbConnectionConfiguration config = {
        connectionString: connectionString

    asb:AsbClient asbClient = new (config);

    log:printInfo("Creating Asb sender connection.");
    handle queueSender = checkpanic asbClient->createQueueSender(queueName);

    log:printInfo("Creating Asb receiver connection.");
    handle queueReceiver = checkpanic asbClient->createQueueReceiver(queueName, asb:PEEKLOCK);

    log:printInfo("Sending via Asb sender connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->send(queueSender, message1);

    log:printInfo("Receiving from Asb receiver connection.");
    asb:Message|asb:Error? messageReceived = asbClient->receive(queueReceiver, serverWaitTime);

    if (messageReceived is asb:Message) {
        checkpanic asbClient->deadLetter(queueReceiver, messageReceived);
        asb:Message|asb:Error? messageReceivedAgain = asbClient->receive(queueReceiver, serverWaitTime);
        if (messageReceivedAgain is ()) {
            log:printInfo("Deadletter message successful");
        } else {
            log:printError("Deadletter message not succesful.");
    } else if (messageReceived is ()) {
        log:printError("No message in the queue.");
    } else {
        log:printError("Receiving message via Asb receiver connection failed.");

    log:printInfo("Closing Asb sender connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->closeSender(queueSender);

    log:printInfo("Closing Asb receiver connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->closeReceiver(queueReceiver);
  1. Deadletter from Subscription

This is the basic scenario of sending and dead lettering a message from a subscription. A user must create a sender connection and a receiver connection with the azure service bus to send and receive a message. The message body is passed as a parameter with optional parameters and properties to the send operation. The user can abandon a single Message & move the message to the Dead-Letter subscription.

Sample is available at:

import ballerina/log;
import ballerinax/asb;

// Connection Configurations
configurable string connectionString = ?;
configurable string topicName = ?;
configurable string subscriptionName1 = ?;

public function main() {

    // Input values
    string stringContent = "This is My Message Body"; 
    byte[] byteContent = stringContent.toBytes();
    map<string> properties = {a: "propertyValue1", b: "propertyValue2"};
    int timeToLive = 60; // In seconds
    int serverWaitTime = 60; // In seconds

    asb:ApplicationProperties applicationProperties = {
        properties: {a: "propertyValue1", b: "propertyValue2"}

    asb:Message message1 = {
        body: byteContent,
        contentType: asb:TEXT,
        timeToLive: timeToLive,
        applicationProperties: applicationProperties

    asb:AsbConnectionConfiguration config = {
        connectionString: connectionString

    asb:AsbClient asbClient = new (config);

    log:printInfo("Creating Asb sender connection.");
    handle topicSender = checkpanic asbClient->createTopicSender(topicName);

    log:printInfo("Creating Asb receiver connection.");
    handle subscriptionReceiver = 
        checkpanic asbClient->createSubscriptionReceiver(topicName, subscriptionName1, asb:PEEKLOCK);

    log:printInfo("Sending via Asb sender connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->send(topicSender, message1);

    log:printInfo("Receiving from Asb receiver connection.");
    asb:Message|asb:Error? messageReceived = asbClient->receive(subscriptionReceiver, serverWaitTime);

    if (messageReceived is asb:Message) {
        checkpanic asbClient->deadLetter(subscriptionReceiver, messageReceived);
        asb:Message|asb:Error? messageReceivedAgain = asbClient->receive(subscriptionReceiver, serverWaitTime);
        if (messageReceivedAgain is ()) {
            log:printInfo("Deadletter message successful");
        } else {
            log:printError("Deadletter message not succesful.");
    } else if (messageReceived is ()) {
        log:printError("No message in the subscription.");
    } else {
        log:printError("Receiving message via Asb receiver connection failed.");

    log:printInfo("Closing Asb sender connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->closeSender(topicSender);

    log:printInfo("Closing Asb receiver connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->closeReceiver(subscriptionReceiver);
  1. Defer from Queue

This is the basic scenario of sending and deferring a message from a queue. A user must create a sender connection and a receiver connection with the azure service bus to send and receive a message. The message body is passed as a parameter \with optional parameters and properties to the send operation. The user can defer a single Message. Deferred messages can only be received by using sequence number and return Message record.

Sample is available at:

import ballerina/log;
import ballerinax/asb;

// Connection Configurations
configurable string connectionString = ?;
configurable string queueName = ?;

public function main() {

    // Input values
    string stringContent = "This is My Message Body"; 
    byte[] byteContent = stringContent.toBytes();
    map<string> properties = {a: "propertyValue1", b: "propertyValue2"};
    int timeToLive = 60; // In seconds
    int serverWaitTime = 60; // In seconds

    asb:ApplicationProperties applicationProperties = {
        properties: {a: "propertyValue1", b: "propertyValue2"}

    asb:Message message1 = {
        body: byteContent,
        contentType: asb:TEXT,
        timeToLive: timeToLive,
        applicationProperties: applicationProperties

    asb:AsbConnectionConfiguration config = {
        connectionString: connectionString

    asb:AsbClient asbClient = new (config);

    log:printInfo("Creating Asb sender connection.");
    handle queueSender = checkpanic asbClient->createQueueSender(queueName);

    log:printInfo("Creating Asb receiver connection.");
    handle queueReceiver = checkpanic asbClient->createQueueReceiver(queueName, asb:PEEKLOCK);

    log:printInfo("Sending via Asb sender connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->send(queueSender, message1);

    log:printInfo("Receiving from Asb receiver connection.");
    asb:Message|asb:Error? messageReceived = asbClient->receive(queueReceiver, serverWaitTime);

    if (messageReceived is asb:Message) {
        int sequenceNumber = checkpanic asbClient->defer(queueReceiver, messageReceived);
        log:printInfo("Defer message successful");
        asb:Message|asb:Error? messageReceivedAgain = 
            checkpanic asbClient->receiveDeferred(queueReceiver,sequenceNumber);
        if (messageReceivedAgain is asb:Message) {
            log:printInfo("Reading Deferred Message : " + messageReceivedAgain.toString());
    } else if (messageReceived is ()) {
        log:printError("No message in the queue.");
    } else {
        log:printError("Receiving message via Asb receiver connection failed.");

    log:printInfo("Closing Asb sender connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->closeSender(queueSender);

    log:printInfo("Closing Asb receiver connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->closeReceiver(queueReceiver);
  1. Defer from Subscription

This is the basic scenario of sending and deferring a message from a subscription. A user must create a sender connection and a receiver connection with the azure service bus to send and receive a message. The message body is passed as a parameter with optional parameters and properties to the send operation. The user can defer a single Message. Deferred messages can only be received by using sequence number and return Message record.

Sample is available at:

import ballerina/log;
import ballerinax/asb;

// Connection Configurations
configurable string connectionString = ?;
configurable string topicName = ?;
configurable string subscriptionName1 = ?;

public function main() {

    // Input values
    string stringContent = "This is My Message Body"; 
    byte[] byteContent = stringContent.toBytes();
    map<string> properties = {a: "propertyValue1", b: "propertyValue2"};
    int timeToLive = 60; // In seconds
    int serverWaitTime = 60; // In seconds

    asb:ApplicationProperties applicationProperties = {
        properties: {a: "propertyValue1", b: "propertyValue2"}

    asb:Message message1 = {
        body: byteContent,
        contentType: asb:TEXT,
        timeToLive: timeToLive,
        applicationProperties: applicationProperties

    asb:AsbConnectionConfiguration config = {
        connectionString: connectionString

    asb:AsbClient asbClient = new (config);

    log:printInfo("Creating Asb sender connection.");
    handle topicSender = checkpanic asbClient->createTopicSender(topicName);

    log:printInfo("Creating Asb receiver connection.");
    handle subscriptionReceiver = 
        checkpanic asbClient->createSubscriptionReceiver(topicName, subscriptionName1, asb:PEEKLOCK);

    log:printInfo("Sending via Asb sender connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->send(topicSender, message1);

    log:printInfo("Receiving from Asb receiver connection.");
    asb:Message|asb:Error? messageReceived = asbClient->receive(subscriptionReceiver, serverWaitTime);

    if (messageReceived is asb:Message) {
        int sequenceNumber = checkpanic asbClient->defer(subscriptionReceiver, messageReceived);
        log:printInfo("Defer message successful");
        asb:Message|asb:Error? messageReceivedAgain = 
            checkpanic asbClient->receiveDeferred(subscriptionReceiver, sequenceNumber);
        if (messageReceivedAgain is asb:Message) {
            log:printInfo("Reading Deferred Message : " + messageReceivedAgain.toString());
    } else if (messageReceived is ()) {
        log:printError("No message in the subscription.");
    } else {
        log:printError("Receiving message via Asb receiver connection failed.");

    log:printInfo("Closing Asb sender connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->closeSender(topicSender);

    log:printInfo("Closing Asb receiver connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->closeReceiver(subscriptionReceiver);
  1. Renew Lock on Message from Queue

This is the basic scenario of renewing a lock on a message from a queue. A user must create a sender connection and a receiver connection with the azure service bus to send and receive a message. The message body is passed as a parameter with optional parameters and properties to the send operation. The user can renew a lock on a single Message from the queue.

Sample is available at:

import ballerina/log;
import ballerinax/asb;

// Connection Configurations
configurable string connectionString = ?;
configurable string queueName = ?;

public function main() {

    // Input values
    string stringContent = "This is My Message Body"; 
    byte[] byteContent = stringContent.toBytes();
    map<string> properties = {a: "propertyValue1", b: "propertyValue2"};
    int timeToLive = 60; // In seconds
    int serverWaitTime = 60; // In seconds

    asb:ApplicationProperties applicationProperties = {
        properties: {a: "propertyValue1", b: "propertyValue2"}

    asb:Message message1 = {
        body: byteContent,
        contentType: asb:TEXT,
        timeToLive: timeToLive,
        applicationProperties: applicationProperties

    asb:AsbConnectionConfiguration config = {
        connectionString: connectionString

    asb:AsbClient asbClient = new (config);

    log:printInfo("Creating Asb sender connection.");
    handle queueSender = checkpanic asbClient->createQueueSender(queueName);

    log:printInfo("Creating Asb receiver connection.");
    handle queueReceiver = checkpanic asbClient->createQueueReceiver(queueName, asb:PEEKLOCK);

    log:printInfo("Sending via Asb sender connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->send(queueSender, message1);

    log:printInfo("Receiving from Asb receiver connection.");
    asb:Message|asb:Error? messageReceived = asbClient->receive(queueReceiver, serverWaitTime);

    if (messageReceived is asb:Message) {
        checkpanic asbClient->renewLock(queueReceiver, messageReceived);
        log:printInfo("Renew lock message successful");
    } else if (messageReceived is ()) {
        log:printError("No message in the queue.");
    } else {
        log:printError("Receiving message via Asb receiver connection failed.");

    log:printInfo("Closing Asb sender connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->closeSender(queueSender);

    log:printInfo("Closing Asb receiver connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->closeReceiver(queueReceiver);
  1. Renew Lock on Message from Subscription

This is the basic scenario of renewing a lock on a message from a subscription. A user must create a sender connection and a receiver connection with the azure service bus to send and receive a message. The message body is passed as a parameter in byte array format with optional parameters and properties to the send operation. The user can renew a lock on a single Message from the subscription.

Sample is available at:

import ballerina/log;
import ballerinax/asb;

// Connection Configurations
configurable string connectionString = ?;
configurable string topicName = ?;
configurable string subscriptionName1 = ?;

public function main() {

    // Input values
    string stringContent = "This is My Message Body"; 
    byte[] byteContent = stringContent.toBytes();
    map<string> properties = {a: "propertyValue1", b: "propertyValue2"};
    int timeToLive = 60; // In seconds
    int serverWaitTime = 60; // In seconds

    asb:ApplicationProperties applicationProperties = {
        properties: {a: "propertyValue1", b: "propertyValue2"}

    asb:Message message1 = {
        body: byteContent,
        contentType: asb:TEXT,
        timeToLive: timeToLive,
        applicationProperties: applicationProperties

    asb:AsbConnectionConfiguration config = {
        connectionString: connectionString

    asb:AsbClient asbClient = new (config);

    log:printInfo("Creating Asb sender connection.");
    handle topicSender = checkpanic asbClient->createTopicSender(topicName);

    log:printInfo("Creating Asb receiver connection.");
    handle subscriptionReceiver = 
        checkpanic asbClient->createSubscriptionReceiver(topicName, subscriptionName1, asb:PEEKLOCK);
    log:printInfo("Sending via Asb sender connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->send(topicSender, message1);

    log:printInfo("Receiving from Asb receiver connection.");
    asb:Message|asb:Error? messageReceived = asbClient->receive(subscriptionReceiver, serverWaitTime);

    if (messageReceived is asb:Message) {
        checkpanic asbClient->renewLock(subscriptionReceiver, messageReceived);
        asb:Message|asb:Error? messageReceivedAgain = asbClient->receive(subscriptionReceiver, serverWaitTime);
        log:printInfo("Renew lock message successful");
    } else if (messageReceived is ()) {
        log:printError("No message in the queue.");
    } else {
        log:printError("Receiving message via Asb receiver connection failed.");

    log:printInfo("Closing Asb sender connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->closeSender(topicSender);

    log:printInfo("Closing Asb receiver connection.");
    checkpanic asbClient->closeReceiver(subscriptionReceiver);

Building from the Source

Setting Up the Prerequisites

  1. Download and install Java SE Development Kit (JDK) version 11 (from one of the following locations).

    • Oracle

    • OpenJDK

      Note: Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the path name of the directory into which you installed JDK.

  2. Download and install Ballerina.

Building the Source

Execute the commands below to build from the source after installing Ballerina version.

  1. To Build & Package the Native Java Wrapper: Change the current directory to the root directory and execute the following command.
    ./gradlew build
  1. To build the Ballerina library: Change the current directory to the asb-ballerina home directory and execute the following command.
    bal build
  1. To build the module without the tests: Change the current directory to the asb-ballerina home directory and execute the following command.
    bal build -c --skip-tests

Contributing to Ballerina

As an open source project, Ballerina welcomes contributions from the community.

For more information, go to the contribution guidelines.

Code of Conduct

All the contributors are encouraged to read the Ballerina Code of Conduct.

Useful Links