Slices/subsections genbank files by either gene names, locus tags or base pair range. This handles multi-genbank files which have multiple contigs. Outputs sub-setted genbank files as well as multifasta CDS and amino acid files.
- biopython >1.84
Easiest to create a mamba/conda environment
mamba create -y -n slice_gbk_env
mamba install -y -n slice_gbk_env conda-forge::biopython=1.84
Test script
mamba activate slice_gbk_env
python -h
# Extract the region between two genes including these genes
python -i infile.gbk -g gene1:gene2 -o gene_sliced_output # using gene names
python -i infile.gbk -g gene1:gene2 -o gene_sliced_output -p # using gene names, also outputting multifasta protein and CDS files with sliced genbank
python -i infile.gbk -lt locus_tag1:locus_tag2 -o locus_tag_sliced_output # using locus tags
# Extract 2 genes up- and down-stream of your specified two genes
python -i infile.gbk -g gene1:gene2 -n 2 -o gene_sliced_output # using gene names
python -i infile.gbk -lt locus_tag1:locus_tag2 -n 2 -o locus_tag_sliced_output # using locus tags
# Extract a single gene
python -i infile.gbk -g gene1: -o gene_extract_output # using gene names
python -i infile.gbk -lt locus_tag1: -o locus_tag_sliced_output # using locus tags
# Use a wildcard to extract gene/s
python -i infile.gbk -g gene*: -o wildcard_gene_extract_output # using gene names
python -i infile.gbk -lt locus_tag*: -o wildcard_gene_extract_output # using locus tags
# Extract a single gene and 3 genes up- and down-stream of the gene
python -i infile.gbk -g gene1: -n 3 -o gene_extract_output # using gene names
python -i infile.gbk -lt locus_tag: -n 3 -o gene_extract_output # using locus tags
# Extract a base pair range from contig. Contig name required to handle multi-genbank files
python -i infile.gbk -r start:end:contig -o range_sliced_output
Command | Decsription | Example |
-i /--infile |
Input genbank file. Required | |
-g /--genes |
The one/two gene names to slice between (inclusive). Handles wildcards (*). | Single gene: -g hemF: . Between two genes: -g hemF:maeB |
-lt /--locus_tags |
One/two locus tags of gene to slice between (inclusive). Handles wildcards (*) | Single gene: -lt DKHHJM_01915: . Between two genes: -lt DKHHJM_01915:DKHHJM_01920 |
-n /--num_genes |
Number of genes to slice before and after the selected genes. Will take maximum number of genes up/downstream if at end of a contig. Used with -g or -lt . Default=0 |
Two genes up and downstream: -n 2 |
-r /--range |
Two base pair coordinates (range) to slice between. Contig name or locus must be provided. Used instead of -g or -lt . Optional |
Slicing contig_1 between bp 612899-630276: -r 612899:630276:contig_1 |
-o /--outfile |
Output directory and filename prefix. Required | Name output E_coli: -o E_coli |
-p /--protein |
Produce multifasta files for nucleotide (CDS) and amino acid sequences contained within sliced genbanks. Optional | Get multifasta: -p |
-c /--case_insensitive |
Turn OFF case sensitivity for gene and locus tag matching. Optional | Turn off case sensitivity: -c |
-v /--version |
Get version of script. Run alone | Get version: -v |
- Ben Vezina
- Abhinaba Ray
- Adapted from