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Releases: bandframework/Taweret

v0.4 BAND software release

19 Sep 15:46
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This is the Taweret release for the BAND framework v0.4 software release.

Added features:

  • Additional documentation for developers and movement to Read The Docs as the host site
  • Jupyter Book for tutorial notebooks and more pedagogical information for new users or researchers new to Bayesian model mixing

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.0.2...v1.1.0

JOSS Release

23 May 01:23
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We implement many changes requested by the JOSS review.
We also started changing the backend of our continuous integration for testing, but this does not change any of the front facing interface.
The release will be archived along with our JOSS publication.

Excited to have @jared321 join the team!

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v1.0.2


04 Mar 20:03
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Date: 04 March 2024

Our second release of Taweret has come! In this release, we include bug fixes, development of a CI workflow, and inclusion of an automatic testing workflow so that whenever a new user wishes to include their model mixing strategy into Taweret, they can PR their additions to the 'develop' branch, along with a pytest file for their code, and Actions will run the pytest. We also include updated instructions for installation of our package, and updates to the documentation.

Taweret is also now on pypi, and can be downloaded simply by running
pip install Taweret
in terminal!

IMPORTANT: We would like to emphasize that, to run the test locally, all dependency should be installed. Please see the documentation.

Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.0.1


06 Oct 02:45
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Date: October 05, 2023

The first release of our Taweret Bayesian Model Mixing package!

This release includes 3 model mixing techniques:
1 : Bivariate linear model mixing, with an option for simultaneous calibration + model mixing (from @danOSU)
2 : Multivariate model mixing, or combining Gaussian distributions via precision weighting (from @asemposki)
3 : Model mixing using BART (Bayesian Additive Regression Trees) (from @jcyannotty)

We have many exciting additions to be added soon, including work that collaborator Kevin Ingles (@ominusliticus) has been hard at work on, and improvements to the Multivariate Model Mixing method (from Alexandra Semposki (@asemposki)) and BART-based approach (@jcyannotty).

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: