PCMS is web application for private cloud automation in VMware vSphere environment.
- Vue.js
- PowerShell Core version 6.1.1
- PowerCLI version
- Node.js version 11.9.9
- node-powershell version 4.0.0
- MongoDB version 4.0.5
- Better used with pm2 for keep application alive forever
- Install PowerShell Core
- Install PowerCLI by run PowerShell Core then install PowerCLI and config it
$ pwsh
$ Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
$ Install-Module -Name VMware.PowerCLI
$ Import-Module VMware.PowerCLI
$ Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -InvalidCertificateAction Ignore -ParticipateInCeip $false -DisplayDeprecationWarnings:$false
- Install MongoDB
- Install Node.js
- Install Vue CLI
- Clone this git then
- cd to server directory and
$ npm install
- cd to vue-ui directory and
$ npm install
- Edit config file at /config/environments/config.json
- cd to server directory and
Comment these modules (Add # in front of these modules) in VMware.PowerCLI.psd1
Located in C:\Program Files\PowerShell\Modules\VMware.PowerCLI\ (Windows) or /usr/local/share/powershell/Modules/VMware.PowerCLI/ (Ubuntu)
Source: https://cloudhat.eu/powercli-10-0-0-linux-error-vmware-vimautomation-srm/
$ node app.js
or run with pm2.
$ pm2 start app.js
$ pm2 monit
$ cd vue-ui
$ npm run serve
Open Web Browser and go to
Module Name | Source | Description |
node-powershell | node-powershell | Invoke PowerShell Commands on Node.js |
express | express | Create REST Server |
jsonwebtoken | jsonwebtoken | Maintain user's web token |
body-parser | body-parser | Parse HTTP Request's Body |
cors | cors | Enable CORS in Node.js |
morgan | morgan | HTTP Request Logger |
node-schedule | node-schedule | Schedule Jobs in Node.js |
helmet | helmet | Middleware for more Security |
compressing | compressing | Compress files into .zip |
winston | winston | Log errors to Console and Files |
mongoose | mongoose | MongoDB ODM for Node.js |
compression | compression | Compress Response's Body |
googleapis | googleapis | Upload backup files to Google Drive |
ldapjs-client | ldapjs-client | Authentication with Active Directory |
nodemailer | nodemailer | Send E-Mail |
Module Name | Source | Description |
axios | axios | Consume API |
vuejs-datepicker | vuejs-datepicker | Date Picker |
bootstrap-vue | bootstrap-vue | Front-End Framework |
vue-apexcharts | vue-apexcharts | Chart |
moment | moment | Date Formatter |
vue-swal | vue-swal | More Beautiful Alert |
Strict to Google JS Style Guide: https://google.github.io/styleguide/jsguide.html with eslint.