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soyapi edited this page Nov 22, 2011 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the BART wiki!


You will need to have the following gems and packages installed on your system


  1. libopenssl-ruby
  2. irb
  3. ruby1.8-dev
  4. ruby1.8
  5. libmysql-ruby


  1. json
  2. rake
  3. mongrel
  4. mongrel_cluster


Here’s how to get yourself up and running with BART locally:

  1. clone or fork the github repository located at
  2. cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml and edit as necessary
  3. rake db:create:all
  4. rake db:migrate && rake db:test:prepare
  5. run rake spec – you should have a passing test suite.
  6. rake openmrs:bootstrap:load:defaults RAILS_ENV=development
  7. rake openmrs:bootstrap:load:site SITE=dza RAILS_ENV=development
  8. rake openmrs:bootstrap:load:site SITE=location RAILS_ENV=development
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