Core Libraries:
* The new `math' library provides functions and data structures for
working with numbers and collections of numbers. Functions include
non-elementary (such as gamma, zeta, Lambert's W), number-theoretic
(factorization, modular arithmetic), linear algebra (arithmetic,
decompositions), and statistical (expected values, order statistics,
binning). Data structures include arbitrary-precision bigfloats,
probability distributions, and multidimensional arrays.
* The new `file/untar', `file/untgz', and `file/unzip' libraries support
unpacking widely used archive formats.
* The new `lazy-require' form allows programs to delay the loading and
instantiation of helper modules until they are needed.
* The new `data/bit-vector' library provides an implementation of bit
vectors (a mutable sequence of booleans) supporting popcount.
* The `racket/generic' library allows the specification of default
method implementations for core datatypes.
* The `openssl' library can verify hostnames and use the operating
system's certificate store to verify certificates.
Package System:
* A new package system is in beta release. This system will become
Planet's successor. It differs significantly from the latter. For
details, please read the documentation at and list your packages on the new
index at
* The `raco test' command supports testing by collection and package, in
addition to by directory and file, with the "-c" and "-p" options.
Teaching Libraries:
* batch-io: the read and write functions work on Unix-style standard
input and output.
* DrRacket's GUI is more responsive.
* The automatic parenthesis insertion mode is improved.
* Scribble renders Markdown format files via the "--markdown"
command-line flag. Example use case: Generate documentation hosted on
GitHub or BitBucket.
* Documentation cross-reference information is stored in an SQLite3
database, which means that SQLite3 is required for building Racket
documentation on Unix/Linux machines (but SQLite3 is included in
Racket distributions for Windows and Mac OS X).
Using a database for cross-reference information significantly reduces
the initial footprint of DrRacket, since DrRacket no longer needs to
load all cross-reference information.
Typed Racket:
* Typed Racket programs can require `plot/typed' to draw plots. List-
and vector-accepting functions accept general sequences.
* Typed Racket supports Racket's delimited continuation and continuation
mark operators.
* Added more support for `define-judgment-form', including random
generation for well-formed judgments and visualization of judgments.
The following have been removed in this release:
* the `planet' command-line tool; use `raco planet' instead.
The following has been deprecated and will be removed in the August 2013
* the `mzlib/class100' library; use `racket/class' instead.