A curated list of awesome resources about ZF3. Nothing official, just my own list. I'm not part of the dev team.
Contributing: just do a PR, a tweet to @batmansmk or anyone in the dev team :)!
ZF3 the future of PHP in French By Sophie Beaupuis 2015-11-22
Components, PSR-7, and Middleware: Zend Framework 3 by Matthew Weier O' Phinney 2015-10-22 and its lovely video
ZF3 Introduction by Enrico Zimuel 2015-05-15
ZF3 Announcement by Matthew Weier O' Phinney 2015-03-16
Roadmap of ZF3 by the community 2015-03-10
Generation presentation with Roave 2013-11-06
- Focus on performance
- Not a full rewrite, incremental upgrades with some breaking changes
- Every component becomes its own repository