Android game (more to come)
Desktop builds should be easy.
$ git clone
$ cd breakin/desktop
$ ant run
Android build is uglier and more complicated. If you don't already have the Android SDK, download it and get it set up.
Once that's done, the build itself isn't too bad...
$ git clone
$ cd breakin/android
$ ant debug
With any luck, you'll end with "Success" and be able to ant installd
There are a couple steps to get everything set up and imported into an eclipse workspace
- Window->Preferences->Java->Code Style->Formatter->Edit->Indentation = "Spaces Only" (4 spaces)
- Click Help > Install New Software.
- Choose "--All Available Sites--" from the drop down
- Search for and install Eclipse EGit
- File > Import > Git > Projects from Git > URI
- Copy git url in the URI box<username>/breakin.git
- Click Next a few times
- Import existing projects > Check Breakin
- Read through this EGit documentation for more info
- Click Window > Preferences > Java > Installed JREs
- Add
\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_10
- Uncheck the JRE box and check the JDK that was added
- Right click the build.xml you want to run > Run As > Ant Build
- Right click > Run As > Java Application
- This will automatically create a Run Configuration for the desktop version of the game
- Click Run > Run Configuration > DesktopGame > Classpath > User Entries > Advanced > Add Folder
- Add Main > Assets
- Re-run game