Aplication is used to get information about cities time of sunrise/sunset according to It's coordinates. Two services were implemented:
- city, which provide opportunities:
- to add city to the DB http://localhost:8080/city/add Parameters: name, long, latt
- to get city from DB http://localhost:8080/city/get Parameters: name
- to list cities from DB http://localhost:8080/city/list Parameters: none
- eventtime, which provides opportunity to get information about time of sunrise/sunset
- to get info http://localhost:8080/eventtime
- Parameters:
- action=sunset | sunset | both
- date=today | yyyy-mm-dd (example 2019-03-03)
- city (example city=TestCity | city=test&city=test2)
All APIs have the same type POST request method.
- Maven
- Hibernate
- Spring
- Spring boot
- MySql
- JUnit
- log4j
- Git
to Start from Eclipse IDE (or any other) run Application.class from main package as Java Application
to use executable Jar:
- using IDE or terminal make
mvn clean install or mvn clean install -DskipTests=true
- after that from target directory in terminal execute
java -jar sun_cities-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
It will start application.
SunCity is developed by [Volodymyr Baranov] 2019.