a JavaFX application that generates Round-Robin Tournament fixtures.
- The generation logic is based on my previous project RoundRobinGenerator
- I tried to implement MVCI pattern by Dave Barrett
- Themes are based on AtlantaFX by mkpaz
Currently, default theme is primer-light: if you want to switch to another theme you have to edit rrgfx.ini. Available themes are:
- cupertino-dark.css
- cupertino-light.css
- dracula.css
- nord-dark.css
- nord-light.css
- primer-dark.css
- primer-light.css
- Application Icon
- Theme Manager
- ProgressBar while generating fixtures
- Load a text formatted file as input
- Configurations: start date of the tournament
- Configurations: "play every X days"
- Configurations: time schedule of matchday
- Export generated Rounds as a text file
- Export generated Rounds as a pdf file
- Build for osX and Linux
When you click one of the navigation buttons in Rounds Section for the first time, it shows twice the Matchday 1 card