sudo easy_install pip
pip install python-frontmatter
- or htps://
sudo npm install -g bower
sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
Needed, if you want to modify and compile sass files
sudo gem install sass
npm install
bower install
- see config.json
- for local configuration use config.local.default.json and copy it to config.local.json
- see public_html/js/config.js
grunt observe
grunt observe-contents
Can be used if sass is not need or installed.
for example using python:
cd public_html/ python -m SimpleHTTPServer (or any other webserver)
Contents are taken from "contentSourceDirectory" defined in config, converted from markdown to json format and copied to "contentDestinationDirectory". For files having a matching folder (with the same name in the same parent folder) the folder contents are listed in the subpages attribute.
The content repository for kazoosh website is located here: [email protected]:barnholdy/kazoosh-website-content.git. Check it out and set "contentSourceDirectory" and "imagesSourceDirectory" in config.js.
Markdown files consit of two parts:
- YAML front matter
- markdown body
template: root/projekte/alice.html
title: Alice im Wunderland
teaser: Am 16.-26. November ...
- projekte/alice_im_wunderland_1.png
- projekte/alice_im_wunderland_2.png
# Headline 1
## Headline 2
* Listitem
- use order attribute (CONF.nav_order_attribute) to define order in navigation
- pages with numbers smaller than zero are excluded from navigation
Templates are located in "public_html/templates" and are choosen using the following fallback mechanism:
- Template path from YAML front matter
- Template path corresponding the file path and name (e.g. for content/root/ it's public_html/templates/root/mitglieder.html)
- Template path using "default.html" as name and file path as path (iteratively ascending the folder hierarchy) (e.g. for content/root/projekte/ it's public_html/templates/root/projekte/default.html and then public_html/templates/root/default.html).
create file: /etc/init/kazoosh-website-content.conf
#script located at /etc/init/kazoosh-website-content.conf description "Upstart script for kazoosh website content observer." start on (local-filesystems and net-device-up IFACE=eth0) stop on shutdown respawn chdir /var/www/ exec grunt observe-contents
start service
sudo service kazoosh-website-content start
check service status
sudo initctl status kazoosh-website-content
read log
sudo cat /var/log/upstart/kazoosh-website-content.log
install github webhook-deployer (
sudo npm install -g webhook-deployer sudo npm install -g nunt
create config: deploys.json
{ "port": 8080, "username": "supercooluser", "password": "with-a-LONG-password", "deploys": [{ "name": "Git Webhook pull", "type": "github", "repo": "", "basepath": "/var/www/", "command": "git pull", "branch": "master" }, { "name": "Git Webhook npn", "type": "github", "repo": "", "basepath": "/var/www/", "command": "npn install", "branch": "master" }, { "name": "Git Webhook bower", "type": "github", "repo": "", "basepath": "/var/www/", "command": "bower install", "branch": "master" }] }
add webhook to github
Payload URL: http://<server>:<port>/incoming/webhook-deployer Content type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded