ReverseBox is a Python package with a set of functions useful in software reverse engineering.
Why ReverseBox?
It's designed to help with:
- Decompressing / compressing data
- Decrypting / encrypting data
- Tedious reverse engineering tasks e.g. testing different checksum algorithms to find the one that was used in the software or file format
- Figuring out file formats
- Parsing data structures
- Wrapping functions for input/output operations
- Searching for raw images
Who should use ReverseBox?
Mostly developers and reverse engineers (e.g. file format researchers
or software researchers).
- Adler32 ✔️
- Cocos2d PVR ✔️
- Fletcher16 ✔️
- Fletcher32 ✔️
- Internet Checksum / IPv4 header checksum ✔️
- Sum8 ✔️
- Sum8 2s Complement ✔️
- Unix Sum BSD16 ✔️
- Unix Sum SYSV ✔️
- Xor8 ✔️
- CRC-8 ✔️
- CRC-8/CDMA2000 ✔️
- CRC-8/DARC ✔️ (wrapper only)
- CRC-16 (ARC) ✔️
- CRC-16 (Modbus) ✔️
- CRC-16 (Sick) ✔️
- CRC-16 (DNP) ✔️
- CRC-16 (EA CRCF) ✔️
- CRC-16-CCITT (XModem) ✔️
- CRC-16-CCITT (0xFFFF) ✔️
- CRC-16-CCITT (0x1D0F) ✔️
- CRC-16-CCITT (Kermit) ✔️
- CRC-32/CKSUM (Unix cksum) ✔️
- CRC-32 (ISO/HDLC) ✔️
- CRC-32 (Asobo) ✔️
- CRC-64 (Asobo) ✔️
- CRC-64/GO-ISO ✔️ (wrapper only)
- Asobo (TODO) ❌
- BZIP2 (TODO) ❌
- LZO / LZO1X ✔️ (wrapper only)
- MIO0 ✔️
- NitroSDK (TODO) ❌
- Oodle (TODO) ❌
- Refpack (EA Games) ✔️ (wrapper only)
- RNC (TODO) ❌
- ZLIB ✔️ (wrapper only)
- AES (TODO) ❌
- DES (TODO) ❌
- Lucifer / DTD-1 (TODO) ❌
- ROT13 ✔️
- XOR Cipher (Basic) ✔️
- XOR Cipher (Basic) Guesser ✔️
- Hatch Engine Encryption ✔️
- (game-specific) XOR Cipher (Retro64 ECO) ✔️
- (game-specific) XOR Cipher (Giana’s Return ZDA) ✔️
- Additive Hash ✔️
- AP ✔️
- DJB2 ✔️
- FNV0-32 ✔️
- FNV0-64 ✔️
- FNV1-32 ✔️
- FNV1-64 ✔️
- FNV1A-32 ✔️
- FNV1A-64 ✔️
- Jenkins one-at-a-time ✔️
- SDBM ✔️
- SHA-1 ✔️ (wrapper only)
- SHA-2 (256 bits) ✔️ (wrapper only)
- MD2 ✔️ (wrapper only)
- MD5 ✔️ (wrapper only)
- Murmur3 ✔️ (wrapper only)
- (game-specific) Hercules (TODO) ❌
- (game-specific) E-racer (TODO) ❌
- (game-specific) Pivotal Games DAT Hash ✔️
- Decode RGB121 ✔️
- Decode RGB121_BYTE ✔️
- Decode RGBA2222 ✔️
- Decode RGBX2222 ✔️
- Decode GRAY8 ✔️
- Decode RGBX332 (RGB8) ✔️
- Decode BGRX332 (BGR8) ✔️
- Decode/Encode RGB565 ✔️
- Decode/Encode BGR565 ✔️
- Decode RGBX5551 ✔️
- Decode RGBA5551 ✔️
- Decode BGRA5551 ✔️
- Decode BGRX5551 ✔️
- Decode RGB888 (RGB24) ✔️
- Decode BGR888 (BGR24) ✔️
- Decode ARGB4444 ✔️
- Decode RGBA4444 ✔️
- Decode ABGR4444 ✔️
- Decode XBGR4444 ✔️
- Decode RGBX4444 ✔️
- Decode BGRA4444 ✔️
- Decode BGRX4444 ✔️
- Decode XRGB1555 ✔️
- Decode ARGB1555 ✔️
- Decode ABGR1555 ✔️
- Decode XBGR1555 ✔️
- Decode ARGB8888 ✔️
- Decode ABGR8888 ✔️
- Decode/Encode RGBA8888 ✔️
- Decode/Encode BGRA8888 ✔️
- Decode RGB48 ✔️
- Decode BGR48 ✔️
- Decode PAL4 ✔️
- Decode PAL8 ✔️
- Decode PAL16 ✔️
- Decode PAL32 ✔️
- Decode PAL_I8A8 ✔️
- Decode N64_RGB5A3 ✔️
- Decode N64_I4 ✔️
- Decode N64_I8 ✔️
- Decode N64_IA4 ✔️
- Decode N64_IA8 ✔️
- Decode N64_RGBA32 ✔️
- Decode N64_CMPR ✔️
- Decode BC1/DXT1 ✔️
- Decode BC2/DXT3 ✔️
- Decode BC3/DXT5 ✔️
- Decode BC4 ✔️
- Decode BC5 ✔️
- Decode BC6 ✔️
- Decode BC7 ✔️
- Decode GST121 ✔️
- Decode GST221 ✔️
- Decode GST421 ✔️
- Decode GST821 ✔️
- Decode GST122 ✔️
- Decode GST222 ✔️
- Decode GST422 ✔️
- Decode GST822 ✔️
- Decode YUY2 ✔️
- Decode NV12 ✔️
- Decode NV21 ✔️
- Decode UYVY ✔️
- Decode YUV444P ✔️
- Decode YUV410P ✔️
- Decode YUV420P ✔️
- Decode YUV422P ✔️
- Decode YUV411P ✔️
- Decode UYYVYY411 ✔️
- Decode YUV440P ✔️
- Decode YUVA420P ✔️
- Decode AYUV ✔️
- Decode GRAY8A (LA88) ✔️
- Decode GRAY16 ✔️
- Decode XRGB8888 ✔️
- Decode RGBX8888 ✔️
- Decode XBGR8888 ✔️
- Decode BGRX8888 ✔️
- Decode R8 ✔️
- Decode G8 ✔️
- Decode B8 ✔️
- Decode R16 ✔️
- Decode G16 ✔️
- Decode B16 ✔️
- Decode R32 ✔️
- Decode G32 ✔️
- Decode B32 ✔️
- Decode BUMPMAP_SR ✔️
- 3DS Swizzling/Twiddling ✔️
- CMPR Swizzling/Twiddling ✔️
- PS2 Swizzling/Twiddling ✔️
- PS2 Palette Swizzling/Twiddling ✔️
- PS4 Swizzling/Twiddling ✔️
- PSP Swizzling/Twiddling ✔️
- PS Vita Swizzling/Twiddling ✔️
- XBOX 360 Swizzling/Twiddling ✔️
- GameCube/WII Swizzling/Twiddling ✔️
- Switch Swizzling/Twiddling ✔️
- XBOX/PS3 Swizzling/Twiddling (Morton Order) ✔️
- Dreamcast Swizzling/Twiddling (Morton Order) ✔️
- BC Swizzling/Twiddling ✔️
- PS2 GS Texture Swizzling/Twiddling ✔️
- PS2 GS Texture Compression ✔️
- RLE TGA compression ✔️
- PackBits (Macintosh RLE) compression ✔️
- Executioners RLE compression ✔️
- File Reader ✔️
- File Writer ✔️
- Bytes Handler ✔️
- Translation Text Handler ✔️
- Mod Handler ✔️
- File extension checking ✔️
- Padding calculation ✔️
- File size checking ✔️
// CRC32 calculation
from reversebox.crc import crc32_iso_hdlc
from reversebox.common import common
test_data = b'123456789'
crc32_handler = crc32_iso_hdlc.CRC32Handler()
crc32 = crc32_handler.calculate_crc32(test_data)
print("CRC32_INT: ", crc32)
print("CRC32_STR: ", common.convert_int_to_hex_string(crc32))
// CRC32 output
CRC32_INT: 3421780262
CRC32_STR: 0xCBF43926
// XOR Cipher (Basic)
from reversebox.encryption.encryption_xor_basic import xor_cipher_basic
test_data = b'abcd'
test_key = b'\x3D'
xor_result = xor_cipher_basic(test_data, test_key)
// XOR Cipher output
// File reading
import os
from reversebox.io_files.file_handler import FileHandler
file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "file.bin")
file_reader = FileHandler(file_path, "rb")
value = file_reader.read_str(4, "utf8")
// File Reader Output
// SHA-1 calculation
from reversebox.hash.hash_sha1 import SHA1Handler
test_data = b'abcd'
sha1_handler = SHA1Handler()
sha1 = sha1_handler.calculate_sha1_hash(test_data)
print("SHA-1 hash: ", sha1)
// SHA-1 Output
SHA-1 hash: b'\x81\xfe\x8b\xfe\x87Wl>\xcb"Bo\x8eW\x84s\x82\x91z\xcf'
// DXT1 compressed image decoding
from reversebox.image.image_decoder import ImageDecoder
from reversebox.image.image_formats import ImageFormats
from reversebox.image.pillow_wrapper import PillowWrapper
def show_img():
with open("image_data.bin", "rb") as f:
image_data =
img_width: int = 64
img_height: int = 64
decoder = ImageDecoder()
wrapper = PillowWrapper()
converted_data: bytes = decoder.decode_compressed_image(image_data, img_width, img_height, ImageFormats.DXT1)
pil_image = wrapper.get_pillow_image_from_rgba8888_data(converted_data, img_width, img_height)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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Check out list of tools written using ReverseBox: