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What is this contract?

bartwr edited this page Oct 29, 2017 · 3 revisions

This contract does one simple thing on execution:

If there's more than 0.2 ETH on the address -> Pay out to defined addresses

The addresses are defined at time of deployment of the contract.


contract MiningDAO {

The address variable contains an array with ETH addresses to pay out to.

  address[] public investors;

This is the default function that is called everytime anyone funds are sent to the contract:

function () payable {
    address contract_ = this;

We split the total balance of this contract over all payout addresses.

The contract keeps a bit of the balance for itself, so it can pay transaction costs.

    uint256 balance = contract_.balance;
    uint256 amount = (balance / investors.length) - 0.01 ether;

We check if the balance is more than 0.2 ether:

    if(amount >= 0.2 ether) {

if so: now we can send the chunks of balance to the payout addresses:

        for(uint x = 0; x < investors.length; x++) {
            if (!investors[x].send(amount)) {

(The payout address are given at deployment of the contract:)

function MiningDAO(address[] investors_) {
    investors = investors_;


The contract can be used if you want to automatically split the income of an Ethereum miner address, for example.

Do you have improvements, suggested modifications, etc? Place an issue!

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