In this repository you find the code for running a Lisk sidechain meant for running Lisk.Bike.
The code is based on @JesusTheHun's work in
dotenv error: do npm install in the file named 'client'
make sure that node version 12 is running: nvm use 12
pm2 start --name lisk-bike-blockchain-app index.js
add to index.js: configDevnet.modules.http_api.access.public = true;
run the blockchain: node index.js | npx bunyan -o short
- in 'tests' edit .env file:
- TIME error: make sure that the time is sychronised. Check with time with command: date
Charge lock
Remove SIM PIN
Disable SIM voicemail
Send sms to self via SIM
Put SIM in lock
Send SMS to lock containing 'bladiebla-server-ip'
Now the lock is connected to a server running
- Lock sends the 'login' command to server
- Server creates wallet for lock using
- Server registers lock onto the blockchain using
Now there's a connection between the lock and the pubkey, in the Lisk blockchain.
cd tests
node create-account.test.js renter1
node create-account.test.js bike1
Based on account creation, you get an address (pubkey).
First, check the balance of bike1:
node balance.js bike1
Only proceed if bike1 has a balance.
cd tests
node create-bike.test.js bike1
The bike is registered using its pubkey. This is the bikes' bikeId.
The server stores the IMEI & bikeId (= pubkey) in its database. This is how the server knows what bike transactions are related to this IMEI.
cd tests
node bike_locations.js
cd tests
node update-bike-location.test.js bike1 lat lon
node update-bike-location.test.js bike1 51.9227954 4.4253305
Every x minutes the server receives the GPS location. The server looks up the account of the lock in its database, based on IMEI. The locks privkey then signs the 'update-bike-location' transaction.
cd tests
node rent-bike.test.js renter1 bike1
Sometimes you get the 'Invalid transaction timestamp. Timestamp is in the future' error.
If this is the case: Try the command again. Mostly the second time works.
cd tests
node return-bike.test.js renter1 bike1
If lock opens/closed, the lock sends a command to the server. The server looks up the account of the lock in its database, based on IMEI. The locks privkey then signs the 'update-lock-status' transaction.
- Lock: Lock opened
- Lock: Lock closed
User: Please open lock User: Please close lock