- uses Truffle and Remix IDE
git clone ...
remixd -s . -u https://remix.ethereum.org/
Creating a proxy contract that has single purpose: INTEGRATION WITH KLEROS
Defaults as much as possible, convention over configuration.
Reasonably low deposit (so that it is not a barrier to entry)
- Deploy list of organisations to Kleros in their UI: https://curate.kleros.io/factory (Is this a list of lists? YES)
- Add the newly created list to global "list of lists" in Kleros UI
- Save the address of the list to:
- Deploy BaseX, following the instructions from: https://forum.openzeppelin.com/t/openzeppelin-upgrades-step-by-step-tutorial-for-truffle/3579
npx truffle migrate --network goerli
(need to delete previous build files, or move to a sepate folder, seedeployment_logs
)truffle run verify BaseX --network goerli
- 2A. Deploy PVT NVT (passing address of BaseX to grant roles). This can happen via remix:
remixd -s . -u https://remix.ethereum.org/
(verification can happen via remix Etherescan plugin) - 2B. If already deployed - update the BaseX (the proxy) on these contracts to grant required roles. Note that at some point (old version which is now staging) were using 0x85 address, not the MetaMask2 (which is the current deployer of other contracts)
- Set PVT NVT address at BaseX
- On the front-end update contract address and ABI
- On the back-end (now we have Express backend) update contract address and ABI
If KlerosProxy updates, we can reuse existing PVT NVT contracts, there is a convenient method — we are using upgradeable contracts, the BaseX address will stay the sameupdateBaseX
that will grant minting / burning roles.
- Create a new file BaseXV4.sol
- NICE TO HAVE Use OpenZeppelin plugin to ensure that the new contract is compatible with the old one
- Deploy the new contract using Remix
- Verify the new contract on Etherscan
- Update the proxy admin to point to the new contract
- Update the ABI in front-end
- Update the readme below with latest implementation address
PVT: https://goerli.etherscan.io/address/0xee1b27c2d7edc390da423ea0f269825dc13184eb NVT: https://goerli.etherscan.io/address/0x08418B63f49252fD4674C425AD7099a852BfE353 Implementation (ABI from here): https://goerli.etherscan.io/address/0x1e692c21dcEE83972B0EC19Fdb791B76c6981FEF Proxy admin: https://goerli.etherscan.io/address/0xC8e76E0Ca481E356eBC3492CE0F68f246fb68C92 BaseX proxy (always call this one): https://goerli.etherscan.io/address/0x1cD6da50afE19Dd978D96d5B0f816EA38130aafA
PVT: https://goerli.etherscan.io/address/0xd94e999249d4192b80381504a691b5db5ec66a2f NVT: https://goerli.etherscan.io/address/0xea37a03e3109cf64e6232e2f370a893c6f88fd88 Implementation: https://goerli.etherscan.io/address/0xd00851435a6761E9105B8aFe3Db25BDd61Eb01cD Proxy admin: https://goerli.etherscan.io/address/0x5dc22D5a1bdcdeB8B0560f042C15773aad6c20cD BaseX proxy: https://goerli.etherscan.io/address/0x6d2a3A662D192578fBE49411886F924cbbA20803